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your vibration is in reference to your personal energetic frequency. this energetic frequency & essence is very specific to the individual & there are many factors that go into determining your vibration such as your thoughts, actions, choices, beliefs, and more. more positive, loving, & accepting thoughts, actions, & behaviors, raises your vibrations whereas more negative, unaccepting, "bad" thoughts, actions & lowers your vibrations & gives off a bad vibe.

-BECOME MORE AWARE OF YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS. Everything we do & say is essentially what we are or become. Our thoughts & state of mind is so powerful & so it's so important to become mindful of what you're saying & doing. Look at how positive or negative your thoughts & words are. If they're more negative, try to change it to more positive connotations. Think/talk about things that make you happy. Do/say more positive things & be mindful. Stay positive.

- KEEP UP WITH YOUR PERSONAL HYGIENE & START TO CLENSE YOUR SPACE(S). How we keep up with ourselves (home/rooms/spaces) is a huge reflection of how we feel about ourselves. If you're not showering for days & wearing the same shirt for three days then you're most likely not gonna feel like your best self. But if you're showering regularly, keeping up with your hygiene, & taking care of yourself then you're going to start feeling better about yourself. How we treat ourselves impacts our vibrational state. & the same thing goes for your personal space(s). The more your area is clean, the more you'll feel better about yourself & more put together.

- LEARN TO SAY "NO" TO THINGS YOU DON'T WANNA DO. As someone who has suffered with (& still does but it's less severe) anxiety, it's so important to learn how to say no to things that drain your energy or things that you don't want to do ( unless you have to ofc). Making & being conscious of your own decisions is a huge reflection on yourself & it's also so important. Protect yourself & your energy! Do the things that you love.

- DEEP CLENSE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Basically sort through any clothes, shoes, & friends that don't make you feel good about yourself or make you comfortable. Have a lot of clothes that you don't wear? Donate them. Have a toxic friend? Finally make the decision of distancing yourself. Go through your things and really just cleanse your pallet & only keep the people & things you love & feel good about it.

- WORK ON YOURSELF & INNER HEALING. If there's anything that you feel the need to work on whether it's depression, anxiety, just wanting to get something out or just wanting to better yourself & work towards goals, then do it. No matter how big or little the task may seen.


𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 & 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 💘.Where stories live. Discover now