Chapter Three

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     Hey, this is taking place starting back at the present opening, in case anybody is confused.

Feyre P.O.V.

     "Here," Mor said, handing me a huge pink gift box. I took it and undid the green bow. I was just lifting the lid off when Mor put a hand on my arm.

     "There's a note," she said teasingly. "You can read it. My throat has been rubbed raw by all these 'best wishes'."

     I took it and opened the small green envelope. As I read it, my hands shook. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

     "Feyre?" Mor said apprehensively, noting my sudden mood swing. "Cauldron, Feyre, are you okay?!"

     I made to open the box, but she snatched it from my lap. Elain hurried over worriedly. Cassian and Azriel were looking more aware than they had been all day. They all crowded opposite me and watched warily over Mor's shoulder. I suddenly came to my senses.

     "N-no don't open that please don't-" I started stammering, but it was too late. Mor lifted the lid, blocking the contents from my view. Her face turned deathly pale. Her eyes glittered like ice. The rest of the group seemed to be in a state of petrified anger.

     I couldn't stand it anymore. I snatched the box out of her hands, quick as lighting. I spun it around in my hands and panic, fear, and hate rushed through me as I stared at the silk.
No. No no no no no no no.

     Feyre? Feyre, what's happening? Rhys asked through the bond. I quickly slammed up my mental shields. I heard urgent footsteps in the hall. I knew Rhys was coming, and I couldn't face him like this. I winnowed away.


Bright afternoon sunlight filled the clearing. The leaves crunched beneath me as I sank to my knees. Somehow, I ended up in front of the cave where I had found out Rhys was my mate. How bitterly ironic.

     How could I have been so stupid? To think that Tamlin wouldn't hear about our wedding. To think that even if he did, he wouldn't do anything. I almost deserved to get that dress. And when I had seen it, I hadn't become the strong High Lady I was supposed to. I had run off like a weakling.

     I sat on the leaf-strewn ground and sobbed. I could only form one comprehensive thought.
     I was a complete fucking coward.


     It has been four hours since I arrived at this cave. About four hours I have spent drowning in my tears. Three hours ago, Rhys started trying to reach me. I can feel his begs through my shield, but I just can't bring myself to lower it. How can I face him? I am worthless to him. He needs me to be strong and I am weak. Perhaps all I deserve is Tamlin.

     Feyre? Feyre, please. I love you. Come home.

     No. Home means pats on the back and the promise of revenge. Home means the pitying glances. Home is where I must face what has happened.

     Feyre. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. We've dealt with Tamlin.

     Cauldron, that's almost worse. To know that my family went to clean up my mess. Tamlin probably thinks I'm a coward. And I am.

     Feyre. Where are you?

     The despair in Rhys's voice is apparent. I hate this. I hate that I let Tamlin get to me. I hate that I'm hurting my mate. I hate that I'm a coward. I hate myself. I hate hate hate hate-


     Rhys's P.O.V.

     My mate lifts her tear-stained face to me. The look she gives me breaks my heart. I can hear her thoughts loud and clear now. The hate for herself I feel there hits me like an ash arrow.

     "Oh, gods. How did you find me?" she says quietly, burying her face in her hands.

     I gently pull her hands away. "It wasn't hard. There's only so many places you can be."

     "I was a coward," she whispers. "I ran away rather than face the truth."

     "You are NOT a coward. You are strong and brave and brilliant. And I love you."

     She throws her arms around me. I breathe in her scent and sigh. I pull back and gaze into her face.

"Let's go home," I say. She nods and stands. We winnow away.


     I land in the middle of our living room, aiming a bit better this time. I turn to look at my mate and see her staring at the box that holds her old wedding dress. I start toward her, but she holds up a hand.

     "You can go up to our room," she says. "There's something I need to do."

     "I already took care of Tamlin," I say.

     "That's not what I meant."

     I nod and make my way up to our room. As I prepare for bed, my Fae hearing picks up noises in the backyard. I slink over to the window and watch quietly.

     Feyre enters the garden with the box clenched in her fist. I watch as she tosses it onto the stones and steps back.

     At first, it seems as if she is just staring at the box. As I watch, however, a spark grows on the white fabric. It leaps higher and higher, engulfing the whole box, until the dress is nothing but ashes. She waves her hand and a breeze carries the cinders away. I wait, and in a few moments, I hear her coming up the stairs. I turn from the window, and climb in bed.

     She enters and I turn. She quietly undresses and turns off the light. I feel her settle in next to me.

     "Feyre," I say quietly. "I love you."

     "I love you, too," she says, resting her head in my chest. "And I can't wait to marry you."

     The words echo in my head as I kiss her silently and drift off to a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

     HAHAHA okay this took sooo long to update! I'm sorryyyy. I feel super bad, but I will try to update regularly (that's not gonna happen) or at least once a month. Hope you enjoyed!!

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