1. Starting it

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First day of school... bummer. Mike thought as opened his locker. It was only 8:47 and nothing interesting had really happened. He had been abandoned by his only friend, Charlie since his locker was like three minutes away, he found out that was locker combination wasn't right, which led to a two minute walk to the Principles office.

Like I said, his morning wasn't really interesting. At least I got a tiny tour. Mike thought whilst pushing a book into his locker. "Hi." Mike paused, quite freaked out by the unknown person who had approached him. He slowly turned around and was stunned when he saw who it was.

He felt quite pathetic, too. Someone so tiny had nearly made his skeleton jump out of his body. "Hi." Mike said bluntly whilst reaching his hand out. The person reached their hand out and shook it warmly. "I'm Natalie. You must be new." Natalie smiled whilst pushing a strand of her hair out of her eye.

Natalie had light caramel skin with big Brown, chocolate eyes and dark, brown 25" length hair. She was 4foot 9, and note, that was quite small for a twelve year old.

"Yeah... I'm Mike." He said whilst throwing his rucksack over his back. "Nice to meet you, Mike." Her small, soft voice echoed in Mike's brain and it made him quite uncomfortable. "You too." He said whilst turning back to his locker.

"Made any friends yet?" Natalie asked whilst opening her locker. "I have one." Mike smiled, hoping she took the note. "It can't include me." She said whilst nudging him. "Fine, but I live with one." Mike said. "I know." She smiled whilst standing on her tip toes.

"You do?" He asked curiously. "Uh-huh. You're one of the boys who won the chocolate factory." She said. "I never knew so many people were actually watching that last broadcast." Mike said whilst grabbing a book.

"I wasn't... but my sister was." She said whilst trying to grab a book, but failed miserably. "Younger?" He asked. "Older." Natalie said, quite embarrassed. "She's in college and she's in love with chocolate." Mike cocked an eyebrow. "Does she know what chocolate tastes like?" He asked, quite disgusted.

"I guess." Natalie said whilst trying to get her science book. "Do you? That stuff is gross." Mike sighed. "I don't know. I'm allergic to Cocoa beans." She said whilst clawing for her book. "Oh. You need help with that?" Mike asked after hearing her little, soft sulk.

"Yeah." She huffed. Mike walked over to her locker, even though it was only a step away, and grabbed the book. "Here you go." He smiled whilst handing it to her. "Thanks. I told Principle Clyde that I need a stool, but he said I'd grow by the end of the year and its March! More than half the year! I bet by the time I'm 18 I'll be five foot!!!!" She groaned.

"You'll grow." Mike laughed. "Thanks for the encouragement." Natalie smirked, whilst sarcasm dripped from her lips. Suddenly, the bell began ring. "What class do you have?" She asked. "What?" Mike questioned. "What class do you have?" Natalie asked again.

"Oh, um, I have," Mike pulled his planner from his bag. "Algebra. Room 23." Mike sighed. "What a coincidence." Natalie said whilst taking hold of Mike's hand. Mike cocked an eyebrow, not getting what she was saying.

"Just follow me, kay." She giggled, sending chills down his spine. "Okay." Mike said whilst following after her. "Note, Algebra Class with Mr. Field is hard, so you better be prepared." She said whilst releasing her grip from Mike.

"I'm prepared." Mike said whilst wriggling his eyebrows. "I so believe you." She giggled slightly. "I'm guessing he's strict." Mike sighed. "Mhm. Once, he caught me doodling and I got two hours detention. My first detention ever and its my second year here." She huffed and looked into Mike's eyes.

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