I don't like you.

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Please note that I do not own anything except for the plot.

From now on, this will be in Yume's POV.

"Yume, you've got a day free today. So take it easy alright? It's been almost two months since your last day off." Laura said, looking at her Aikatsu Mobile, checking on my schedule for me.

That's right, it's been two months since my comeback concert. And because it was such a huge success, lots of job offer came in for me the week after the concert. Not to mention, some of them were jobs with Subaru. 

Most of them were interviews regarding to our relationship, which both of us are really glad about making it official. Most of our fan are happy for the both of us, and of course there are people who are still getting used to it or just straight up not liking it. We don't take it to heart of course, whenever someone says that they don't like us being together. Why?

Because everyone has their own preference.

I nodded, "Okay, Laura. Thanks for managing my schedule for the past two months. I'm sure it's been quite hectic for you right? You should get a good rest as well."

My Aikatsu Mobile suddenly started ringing, seems like someone is calling me. I checked my Aikatsu Mobile and it was Koharu-chan. I picked up the call. 

Koharu-chan spoke through the phone, "Yume-chan. Sorry to bother you on your day off."

I shook my head, even though I know she can't see me, "It's okay. What's up Koharu-chan?"

She informed me, "Principal Moroboshi would like to see you in his office. He didn't say what for though..."

I thanked her for telling me this and hung up. I told Laura, "It looks like I'm not going to be able to have a day off after all. Principal Moroboshi is calling for me, so I gotta go. See you later Laura."

I ran off to the Principal's office.


It didn't take me long to get to the office, I stood in front of the door and knocked on it. Principal Moroboshi told me to enter, so I did. Upon entering, I saw a girl sitting on the couch, drinking her cup of tea. I closed the door behind me and walked towards the Principal's desk.

"Was there something that you needed Principal Moroboshi?" I asked. 

He turned away from his window and looked at me, he apologizes, "I apologize for calling you over here on your day off. But this is rather important. You see, Elza Forte had requested a transfer for a new student to the Four Stars Academy."

I asked, confused, "Elza-san did that?"

It wasn't like Elza-san to send her own students over to another school, not unless it was for a very important reason. He nodded and continued, "Yes, and Elza Forte also requested for another thing. She wanted you, Nijino Yume to be this student's guide."

I gasped a little. Processing this new found information, I nodded. I asked, "So... who is she?"

The girl behind me stood up. I turned to look at her, she had pink long hair, up until her waist level. She also had dual coloured eyes. She looked really pretty. Suddenly she bowed and introduced herself, "Nice to meet you Nijino Yume-senpai. My name is Asahina Mira. You can just call me Mira if you'd like."

I waved at her and did likewise, "Nice to meet you Mira-chan. My name as you know, is Nijino Yume. You can just call me Yume."

She smiled softly and shook her head, "I would like to take up your offer, but... I've been raised to talk in a certain manner. So I'll just call you Nijino-senpai. Please don't take it in any other way."

Understanding her reasons, I nodded. I turned back and ask the Principal, "Where is she staying?"

"She's staying at the girls dorm, there's a spare room next to Nanakura Koharu's and Sakuraba Laura's room, so she'll stay there."

[Koharu and Laura are roommates.]

I nodded and excused both of us out of the room.


We were walking around the campus, so that I could show Mira-chan around. But somehow...

"Boiled Octopus, why are you over here again?" I didn't even have to look to see who it was, this is the voice that I know too well.

I puffed out my cheeks and looked at him, "Same thing. And it's Yume. Not Boiled Octopus."

'Same thing' being that I accidentally wondered into the boys division side of the school, and probably bumping into him as well. I have no idea why I always bump into him whenever I step into the boys division.

Then I remembered that I was with Mira-chan right now. I introduced her to Subaru, "Subaru, this is Asahina Mira-chan. She transferred from Neo Venus Ark. Apparently Elza-san requested for her to be transferred here."

Subaru looked at Mira-chan, who has been staring at him with a... somewhat dark expression? I introduced him, "Mira-chan, this is..."

Before I even got to continue my sentence, Mira-chan cut in, "Yuki Subaru-senpai. The leader of M4. He's quite well-known in the entertainment world. M4 is also the top boy group in Four Stars Academy."

"Seems like I didn't have to say much. You sure did your research Mira-chan." She shook her head.

What she said, sounded so natural coming from her, but it felt weird hearing it too.

"Yuki-senpai. It's very nice to meet you. But remember this."

"I don't like you."

"Not even the least bit."

[End of chapter 11]

Okay... The new chapter is out! Not to mention the new character is introduced! Thanks to mishtang and Lalajohns!

The new character's name is Asahina Mira. There are many things you don't know about her yet. But don't worry, you'll be figuring them out soon enough!

Yes, she doesn't like Subaru. Why? I'll write that out soon.


Thank you so much for suggesting so much for the character. I know the name is different from what you suggested. But I hope you're fine with it! Feel free to talk to me if you have any problems with it, let's figure something out.


I know the name you suggested was 'Mirabelle'. But when I said it out in Japanese, it sounded a bit weird to me. So I cut it short to Mira. Are you okay with that? I'm so sorry if you aren't. :(

By the way, I'm drawing out how I imagined Mira to be. So I'll post the photo of her in the next chapter! Look forward to it! See ya!

~Berry :D

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