Finishing line?

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Please note that I do not own anything except for the plot and the original characters.

From now on, this will be in Yume's POV.

"Alright Koharu-chan, I'll be there in 5 minutes, I just got back from my job." I said to Koharu-chan through the phone as I got out of the car.

Koharu-chan wants me to go to the Principal's office because Principal Moroboshi is calling for me for some reason. I asked her if she knew what the reason was, but she didn't know either. I ran towards the office and knocked on the door when I reached.

Behind the door was Hime-chan, Koharu-chan, Laura and Principal Moroboshi. I greeted them, "Good afternoon!"

Principal Moroboshi looked up from his work and handed me a booklet. I was confused when he handed me it, but as soon as I saw the title of it, I became really excited. I was about to have another solo concert! 

But a question popped into my head, so I asked, "Why am I suddenly having a solo concert?"

Hime-chan smiled warmly and explained, "I've been monitoring your progress ever since you started looking after Mira-chan and helped her through her journey as an idol, and I think you've grown a lot Yume-chan. This solo concert will let us truly see the real progress that you have made until now."

Principal Moroboshi spoke up, "I believed that there was a wall that you could not overcome when you first came back from your hiatus, but now, I think you're fully ready to see whatever is ahead of you, behind that obstacle. You will be in a bit of a rush, but I believe you will be able to handle it. Your concert will be held in three months, you have until then to settle everything."

Laura and Koharu-chan said, "And of course we'll be there to support you in every way we can until that day!"

I looked at them, and looked back at the booklet. I smiled with confidence and said without hesitation, "Yeah! I know we can do it!"


"So you're holding a solo concert in three months?" Subaru asked.

I nodded and said, "Yep, we haven't decided on the exact date yet, but it'll be in three months. Until then, I have tons of things to finish. All the paper work and stuff. I might be a bit busy until then, so I'm sorry if we can't see each other very often."

He flicked my forehead, "What are you apologizing for? It's work, and three months will pass by in no time and we'll see each other again. I'll definitely come to the concert though, let me know when the tickets are on sale.

And you'll be fine, you'll dash through everything like you always do. Like a boiled octopus." He said with a growing smirk on his face towards the last sentence.

My heart warmed, knowing that Subaru thinks I'll succeed no matter what. That's makes me feel that I have to meet his expectations after everything. He IS my rival after all.

I huffed out a puff of air, put my arms on my waist and said, "Yeah! I'll put on the best concert you will ever see in your life!"

[End of chapter 22]

I do realize that I haven't updated in such a long time that someone even sent me a reply telling me to update this book. I'm grateful for that comment, thank you so much.

School's been hectic and stuff, I've got tons of work to do, so I'm sorry if I'm not updating as much. Feel free to remind me to update whenever I haven't updated in a long time, I actually don't mind that kind of comments.


As you can tell from the title, this story is coming to an end soon. I currently have two ongoing books besides this one, 'fallen' and 'Tsundere'.

I'm currently deciding whether I should publish a new book of Aikatsu after I finish this book. Should I still do Aikatsu Stars or should I try the new series Aikatsu Friends? Please tell me what you think about it.

Yeah, and self-promotion. Please, please, please go and read 'fallen'. A new chapter for that book should be coming up soon.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! [This book should be ending in about one or two more chapters.]

~Berry :D

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