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Phil opened his front door, hoping to be able to just run to his room and watch another episode of his favorite show, Death Note. His hopes soon went down the drain when his mother stopped him in his tracks.

"Yeah, mom?" He asked, wanting to just get out of this conversation. He didn't necessarily 'like' his mother. She would bring a new guy home every other night and she didn't care about Phil. All she cared about was money and not being alone.

"Honey, you're failing almost half your classes, you need to pick up your grades if you are going to make money for this family." What family? Is what Phil wanted to ask. His Dad had left them when he was seven and diagnosed with being bipolar. Phil thought there was something wrong with him. He knew he had mood swings because of his disorder but he thought there was something else to cause his father to leave him alone with his mother who was not cut out to be taking care of a dog let alone a kid. " I'm letting you show me that you can actually achieve something, I'm going to give you a week to raise your grades."

Phil sighed. "And if I don't?" He rolled his eyes, expecting her to say nothing. She never really actually does anything.

"I'll think about it."

And with that note, Phil rushed to his room, and put on his show
that he had been craving since fifth period. Only, he couldn't concentrate on the screen in front of him, he could only think of if this was finally the time she did something about him. What would she do? Put him in a private school? That didn't sound too bad. Everyone at his public school feared him. They only saw him as the tall kid who only wears black and could be laughing his ass of one minute, and be punching a kid in the face the next.

Phil turned his T.V. off and decided to go to sleep early. He played music through his earbuds to attempt to block out the voices in his head that told him to go for a run or to jump off a building.

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