17 0 0

Phil's alarm blared at him to get out of bed. He groaned as his muscles cracked. He had about 20 minute to get ready and be on time to school, so he just slipped on a pair of black jeans and a hoodie and walked out of his room. Phil looked into his mother's door and saw a empty bottle of Vodka and a used condom on the floor. His eyes darted to the front door, he just wanted to get his mother out of his sight.

The weather was causal, gray sky and cool wind. The time on his phone read 7:34, so he picked up his pace. The walk to and from school only took about ten minutes, but he wanted to get here early to relax.

Phil arrived at the gates with about fifteen minutes to spare, to he went to his first class and took a seat. He put in earbuds to drown out anything that may interrupt him. Only, he was interrupted by his only friend, Alfie. "Hey dude, did you see the new girl? She had like humongous tits."

"Wow, Alfie, I sooo care." Phil rolled his eyes and tried to put his earbuds back in before Alfie started talking again.

"Sorry, this whole 'gay' this is new to me."

"Damn, Alfie, could you say it any louder?"

Alfie sinked down into his seat as the teacher entered the classroom. The teacher went to talk about something about how 'poetry changes minds'. Phil, of course, was not listening. He knew he should try to listen and maybe learn something to change his grade, incase his mother was serious. She wasn't though, she couldn't be. She has made these threats before, and she had done nothing. Probably because she would get drunk and forget about the whole conversation. Phil leaned back into his seat and shut his eyes . "She's not serious." He decided.

The first, second, and third period ended quickly for Phil, considering he was in his own mind and not listening to a thing the teachers were saying. Alas, all good things come to a end. Forth period, was not so good. Mr. Brooks always had it out for Phil. And it just so seems he had it out for him a tiny bit more than usual.

As the class took their assigned seats, Mr. Brooks paced forward and back of the classroom. He cleared this throat before speaking. "Pop quiz."

Great. Fucking fantastic.

He handed out the sheets of paper. There was a total of thirty questions. "You will have forty five minutes to work. I would be cautious if I were you, this is worth twenty-five present of your grade."

Even for fan-fucking-tastic.

Wait- phil thought to himself. I don't have to try. I'm not proving anything to anyone.

Phil chuckled to himself while putting in his earbuds. Forty-five minutes of 'me time' sounded amazing. Phil looked at the paper. They were all multiple choice. He decided to just randomly guess to look like he was working.

What is the longest river in the world?

A-the Nile
D-St. Loris

Phil scribbled in the B bubble, and did the rest all different letters.

The day was actually going good for him. He was basically skipping his classes because he wasn't paying attention and he got to have a actual free period. He opened his door and was met with his mother sitting at the table with a phone to her ear. "Y-Yes I will speak with him. Thank you."

She turned around and was met with her son's blue eyes. "Who was that?" Phil asked.

"The school. Did you really finish a text worth a lot of points in five minutes!? What happened to trying? You got three answers right on that quiz. Three! You know what? This is it. Go to your room while I figure out what you are going to do."

Phil sighed. So she was actually going to do something. Damn. Phil laid down on his bed. His eyes were open, but they didn't look as they were alive. They were just- there. He sat there for a full twenty minutes, before having enough of this bull and went downstairs. He was mad, to say the least. He grabbed a bottle of vodka and slammed the door behind him.

He didn't know where to go, so he went to the backyard where his old tree house was. He hadn't used it in years, but when he and his Dad built it, they made it very sturdy. He climbed up, and leaned his back against the corner. He hugged his knees to his chest, and cried. The bottle of vodka was already gone, not that there was much in it, his mother had been drinking from it too.

Phil looked up, and scanned the wooden house. He remembered asking his dad to help him build it, and going to Home Depot to buy the tools and wood. He remembers getting frustrated when it would start to rain or get dark and they had to go back inside. "Fucking dad." What father leaves their own son because of something he can't control.


So I had some ppl ask what bipolar meant and basically means a lot of mood swings. Also don't worry Dan will come in the next chapter:)))

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