[Chapter 10] Family Fights

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"Who are we to trust if not our family?"

~Pope Alexander VI

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Steve watched his brother carefully out of the corner of his eye as the sorcerer training finished for the day, the trainees walking off talking excitedly to each other, having finally mastered a particularly difficult spell. The crowds dispersed as Herobrine remained in the space, packing up some equipment and whisking it away with a wave of his hand.

He was thinner than he had been recently. It wasn't enough to notice unless you were looking for it and Steve was definitely looking, for a good reason too. Over the past few days, Herobrine had been distant and silent, not speaking unless he absolutely had to and although he hid it well, Steve and Notch hadn't missed the masked terror in the glances he gave to his surroundings.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that something was wrong and since Herobrine wasn't offering information, Notch and Steve had a plan to get the truth out of him. Well, it more of a concept than a plan but that was irrelevant. Whatever was on Herobrine's mind, it was clearly important and if that was true, they had to know what it was, to help him if nothing else.

Herobrine finished his pack up and spotted Steve, standing at the edges of the training ground. Steve gestured for Hero to walk with him and after a slight hesitation (probably wondering if he could get away with pretending he hadn't noticed Steve), he picked up his ever-present sword and fell in step with his older brother.

"Notch wanted us for a quick meeting after you were done," Steve said quietly.

Herobrine only hummed. Steve gave him another subtle glance. Hero's gaze was fixed firmly forward, purposely not looking at his brother, or maybe he was just not looking at the buildings which lined the streets. Either way, he didn't seem willing to make conversation and so Steve didn't try. They entered the castle in silence and Steve led the way to a small meeting room situated near the edge of the castle. It was empty, which Steve wasn't happy to see because Notch was supposed to already be here.

"Where's everyone else?" Herobrine asked, giving Steve a side glance.

"I don't know who else is coming," Steve lied smoothly. "Notch told me last minute."

They waited, Herobrine leaning against a wall, Steve standing near the door with his arms crossed, trying not to tap his foot impatiently. It took a few minutes but they finally heard hurried footsteps and Notch ducked around the corner.

"Hi," he said breathlessly. "Steve, I need you, one of the patrols just came back and it's not good."

"Back soon," Steve promised Herobrine and the two Kings ran off.

Hero gave a sigh and put his head back against the wall. Steve may have been a good liar, but Herobrine still had a very good suspicion as to why he was here. He knew he had been acting dazed and distant for the past few days, he couldn't help it, and he knew that his brothers wouldn't be satisfied with the half-hearted answers he had given them. At some point, they were going to try and get the truth out of him and he suspected that this was that point.

Naturally, he had planned excuses and explanations but each new one he made up sounded weaker and weaker than the last. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it go. He just had to do his best. If they knew the truth, they would freak out and probably demand to know every detail, which was not what he needed right now.

The vision had trapped him before he had a chance to resist it.

More fire, I'll let you guys know when to come back in.

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