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Andy is currently pacing inside my room, back and forth. His hands are on his hips, then in his hair, then rubbing his face. I can tell he's agitated. Why? What now?

He suddenly stops pacing, facing me. An expression crosses his face and it's one that I can't even come to understand. It's like he realises for the first time that I'm actually in the room with him, like he completely forgot why he even came in.

Until this very second.

He suddenly lunges at me and I'm reminded of the dream I had a few days ago when Ridge stayed with me. I try to move away but he's got me pinned tight. The next thing I know, he flings me across the floor, landing in the bathroom. I hit my head against the tiled floor, gasping. My hands are shaking when I touch my head. Blood is oozing from a fresh cut and I wouldn't be surprised if I have a concussion.

"Where is my money?" Andy growls, looming over me as I lay helpless on the floor.

"What money?" I'm dazed, completely disorientated. Did I hit my head that badly?

"The money your father owes me! He's taking too long! I've given him opportunity after opportunity, but I don't see my cash, Elena!"

I don't have an answer for him. What am I meant to say anyway? I don't know my dad's exact plan for me. I don't know if he's going to give Andy the money.

"I honestly don't know."

"You don't know?" he yells in my face, bending down so that his nose is only inches away from me. "What did you talk to your father about on the phone the other day? Did you have a good old catch up instead of listening to my instructions?"

The fact that Andy is asking me what I talked to my dad about proves that Hunter hasn't told him the truth. Yet, at least.

"No," I say. "I told him everything you asked me to say. I just forgot to remind him about the money he owes you."

He laughs again, even more wickedly this time. "You forgot to tell him?"

Suddenly, before I even get the chance to understand what's happening, Andy's fist connects with my jaw. It sends me sprawling back against the tiles. This time I connect with something even harder. I think it's the edge of the bathtub, but I can't tell.

"Get up," Andy demands.

He must be out of his god damned mind if he thinks I'm conscious enough to actually stand up without falling straight back down.

"I...can't...thanks," I wheeze, struggling to even breathe.

He picks me up by the root of my hair and I scream, wincing in pain. I can feel the tug from my roots all the way to where his hand is clenched. I struggle to get out of his hold.

I'm flung onto my mattress. I bury my head into the old pillow I've been given, breathing in the smell of mustiness. Anything is better than looking at Andy.

"Today," I hear Andy say from behind me. "You will be making a video for your father and I will be sending it to him."

I almost forget to breathe. This isn't going to be good.

"You will ask him where the hell," Andy stops, seeming to calm himself down, "my money is. If I don't get it soon, well..."

He trails off for some stupid dramatic effect that makes me shiver. I keep my eyes closed, still leaning into the pillow.

"Then he'll leave me no choice but to kill you, I suppose," Andy says, casually. The way he speaks scares me more than anything. He doesn't seem worried about killing me at all. He sounds like it will be casual fun. He probably gets excited just thinking about where he can bury me.

"I expect the money within 48 hours. I will be holding you for an extra week before you go home, so I can be sure that the money isn't counterfeit."

He flings something at the mattress then and it hits me in the back. At first, I think he's hit me again and I brace for the pain.

"If I find out that you haven't filmed it when I come back in half an hour, there will be consequences, Elena," Andy says, sternly.

I look down to see what heavy object he threw at me and I find a video camera. It's heavy when I pick it up and it strains my wrist, so I use both my hands. When I flip the camera screen open, it automatically turns on and I'm looking at myself.

I press the record button, ready to get this over with. I don't want to find out what Andy has in store for me if I don't film this. I understood now why he'd beaten me up first. He thought it'd affect my father more. Play with his emotions. I'm not even sure at this point if he has any.

"So," I begin, as the red button starts to flash, telling me it's recording. "Dad," I say, clearing my voice. How did I even begin with something like this?

"I've been asked to film this, as a...warning."

My hands start to shake and I bring my knees up to my chin so that I can balance the camera there with both my hands wrapped tightly around it.

"Andy wants his money, and you have 48 hours to give it to him. If you don't...well, you know what I'm about to say anyway, right? He's going to kill me. It's pretty obvious he isn't joking."

"He will hold me for another week once the money has gone through. Don't try and give him anything fake, that's why he's holding me longer."

I stare at myself in the viewfinder, wondering who I even am anymore. It's like I've always just sat around, letting things pass me by. Now I'm in a situation where I don't want to waste another second of my life, but it's hard when my freedom has been taken away from me.

There's no doubt that I'll never be the same person I once was. Everything has changed now.

"That's all," I say, clearing my voice. "I hope Noah's doing well. I hope you didn't tell Stacey and Carmen the truth, even though they probably worked out where I am," I smile, sadly.

"Bye," I say, shutting the camera and dropping it to the floor.

I get up to take a shower, needing to peel off the layers that seemed to be building up. I feel like I need to be cleansed of Andy's hand on my face, like it's imprinted there forever.

The water sloshes my body as I step into it and I've never wanted to relax more in my life.

If only that is possible.

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