Bones x reader: Mating done right

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Ok, Disclaimer! This happened BEFORE the movie, so this takes place about 2-3 years before Ferdinand returns back to casa del Toro! Enjoy!
It's a sunny day at casa del toro. I got came here about a week ago, apparently to mate with one of the bulls, called Valiente. But he was just mad and angry all the time, so I tried to keep my distance as much as I can. Of course we didn't "mate", but he was getting a bit overprotective over me. That was fine, I mean, I wasn't really "on" with the other bulls either. I mean, there was one of them that I really like, named Bones. He's nice, kinda. He looks good at least, and he's fast. He gets to one end of the training area to the other in like 0,2 seconds.
When they train I always stay in one of the corners and laying under a tree. And I need to share a stall with Valiente, since the humans wants "to get the progress going"... Yeah, no it won't happen. Not now, not ever.

It was training day and as usual I'm getting myself comfortable under the tree. I watched the guys train all day long... I almost fell asleep two times, so I stood up and walked around a bit. As I walked, Bones almost ran into me.
-Hey!... He said before he turned and saw me.
-Oh, sorry, he said and continued running. I walked around to Lupe who was sleeping. She, as usual, was sleeping by the fence, where the humans are. I heard them talking about moving me along the rows, to the other bulls to see if something happened. Wow.... thanks humans.... I sighed frustrated and walked around in circles.
-Hard time being a girl huh? I hear Lupe ask suddenly. I just sighed again.
-Hey, I feel for you, a while ago, the humans wanted a male goat in here... let's just say that; that didn't end well, Lupe says and screams her typical goat scream.
-I just don't get it! What do they think of me? I'm not made to... push out bulls out of me for the rest of my life! I say frustrated.
-I mean, what happens when it's not even a bull!? Will they send her to the butchers!? Will they use HER to pick out bulls for the rest of her life!? I think not! I scream even more frustrated, making the bulls look at me, but I ignore them.
-And what they can't understand is that  I WILL NEVER EVEN PROBABLY FALL IN LOVE WITH ANY OF THEM! I moo loudly. I grunt in anger and look at the boys. They're all staring at me.
-WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!? I scream and the guys awkwardly look away and continue with their training.
I grunt in anger at the humans and went back under my tree and sit down with a forceful thud. Lupe runs up after me.
-Hey, it's gonna be ok... She says and tries to cheer me up. I just sigh again and look the other way.
-I would like to hope so... I say and a tear falls down my face...

Later in the evening they move me into Machinas stall. I lay down and almost fall asleep. Then Machina comes in... He doesn't do anything, he just walks in and lays down, and sleeps... I fall asleep and think nothing about it.

The next day they move me into Guapos stall. I walk in and lay down, waiting for him to get in. He finally walks into the stall and looks down on me. Then he smirks...
-Well hello there pretty lady, He says and walks closer. I back up into a corner, very uncomfortable from this scene... Guapo keeps walking closer, until I hear Bones Voice.
-Hey Guapo! Leave her alone, can't you see that she's CLEARLY uncomfortable? He asks. Guapo looks down on my shaking form. Then he backs away a few steps.
-Ok... Sorry Y/N... sleep well, Guapo says before laying down, side facing me and fall asleep. I look up at Bones, who looks concerned about me, he nods towards me and goes to his stall beside this one.

The day after I am frustrated once again... how were they supposed to get me pregnant by only one night in each stall? It makes no sense. No sense at all... Anyways, if I've counted correctly, the next stall I should be visiting is Bones's stall... And I'm a little shaken because I like him... But it's gonna be fine, nothing's gonna happen, just like the others... Although he was protecting me yesterday...

Just like the other nights, I get put in one of the bulls's stalls, and as calculated, it was Bones's stall. I layes down and waited for the bulls to come in. I hear the door open and hooves clapper against the floor. I look up and see Bones looking down on me.
-So it's my night tonight, is it? He asked and smiled. I looked down on the floor again. He walked around and laid down in front of me, facing me. Guapo walks by and smirks at us.
-Well, would you look at that! It's Bones' lucky night! He says and I look down on the floor.
-Shut up Guapo! Bones says and looks at him. Guapo laugh and walks away.
-Don't mind him... Bones says and lays down again, our faces right next to each other. I look everywhere, clearly scared.
-It's ok. You clearly aren't comfortable being here at the farm at all... It's fine, he says and I look him in the eyes. He smiles softly at me.
-Thank you... I say, feeling more at ease and closing my eyes, almost falling asleep immediately.
-Goodnight Y/N. Sweet dreams, Bones says and falls asleep. I smile, before falling into a deep sleep.

The next day I wake up later than usual. The stall door is open and sun is shining through the huge barn doors. I walk outside and feel the warm sun hit my skin. I walk around for a couple of hours, just walking around. Then when the sun began setting, I sit down under the tree again. But as it got darker the bulls had gone into their stalls and I hadn't, so the humans came and wanted to put me in Angus's stall, in front of Bones'. I didn't want to, so I pulled and struggled from their grips on me. I struggled until they couldn't hold on anymore, and I fell into Bones stall. I fell in my bum, so I just see the human, Angus and Bones looking down on me. The humans were beginning to close in on me, but Bones stands in front of me. He stands protectively in front of me, and as the humans come closer, Bones grunts and swings with his horns. After a while the humans doesn't dare to move me, so they just leave it be. I breathe slowly and look at Bones who watches the humans walks out of the barn and then he turns to look at me.
-Thanks... I say as I catch my breath from the fight.
-No problem... stupid humans, Bones says and turns around to me.
-Are you okay? He asks.
-Yeah... I think so, I answer.
-Hey that's unfair! Guapo says.
-Why do you get to keep her two nights in a row!? Angus asks.
-Because you guys are acting like a bunch of asshats! You're making her feel unwelcome and uncomfortable! Leave her alone! Bones says and they keep on arguing.
-Shut up! She was here to mate with me from the beginning! Isn't that right? Valiente says and looks at me. I feel like a tiny mouse under the stare of an evil predator...
-Hey! Back off! She wants to stay here because she feels uncomfortable around you, and safe in here, so piss off Valiente! You too Guapo! Bones says before he slams the door to the stall and turns around to me and sighs.
-They're all idiots, don't listen to them... Bones says and looks at me.
-If you want you could stay here, away from.... them... Bones says and lays down. I stretch before laying down and almost falling asleep immediately.
-Thank you... For your hospitality...I say and fall asleep.

The next night Bones and I talk through the night, about everything. Life, former relationships and daily routines, well, everything you could think of. We laughed, we cried, we bonded.

We continued bonding over the weeks... today we had really fun, just playing around, until.... they had a fight... One of the newer bulls got sent off to the butchers, and Bones was unprepared... He was just about to go before the other bulls did something stupid... Bones had been sad all evening after that. The came the night. The oh, so precious night. We lay down in the stall and Bones sighs.
We just lay there for a while.
-Do you wanna talk about it? I ask.
-No, Bones says.
We lay there for at least an hour in silence before he says something again.
-I want a baby... he says.
-What? I ask.
-I'd want to have a little calf running around out there, in here, being a little dimwit and mess with the ponies...You know, all the wonderful perks and quirks that comes with having a baby... Bines says and looks me in the eyes.
-A-Are you sure? I ask, a little bit worried. Bones laughs.
-Yeah, I'm sure... he says with a smile on his face.
-You promise you won't use me as a calf breeder all of your life? I ask.
-Why would I do that? I love you to much for that...
I just look him in the eyes.
-I really want this, and I really love you... he says. His eyes speaks nothing but truth...

-Ok... I trust you...

Extended ending ahead!:

Two years later:
My little baby boy is running around with his dad, training for his fights when he gets older.
-It's time to go to bed now William, I say.
-But momma! He whines.
-No, you promised me that if you got to train with dad today you would do as I say. So, go to the stall, I say.
-Ok mama... Goodnight papa, William says as he walks into the stall.
After a while we hear a big thud coming from the car parking. And before we even know it, a big, black bull comes tumbling into the area.
-Ferdinand? Bones asks.
-Wait, who's Ferdinand? I ask.
-Wow, you've grown! Bones says teasingly to this Ferdinand fella.
They're talking for a while before William comes out of the barn, all sleepy.
-Momma, what's happening? He asks.
-Nothing sweetheart, go back to bed, I say and walk to him.
-Who's that? He asks.
-It's just one of papas old... pals, Bones says. Ferdinand looks at Bones, than eat me and William.
-You're a dad!? He asks happily.
-Yeah? Why do you care? Bones dismissed him. I walked with William back into the stall.
I just have a feeling that nothing more than trouble is going to come from this...

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