Chapter 4

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Following their evening out, Sarah appointed herself project manager for the move, dubbing it 'Project Flat-hunt'. Emily let her go with it, mostly to avoid further discussion but also because all considered, she welcomed the help. The unexpected call from the agency has spooked her, and she felt reassured by the idea of Sarah dealing with agencies in her stead. Most importantly, she would avoid further anxiety attacks. All she had to do now was wait and hope.

As anticipated, it took no time, and the first visit was promptly planned. They had briefly discussed the main criteria, but Emily wasn't too fussed. A one bedroom flat not too far from her work but not too close to her parents either. She had no inclination for an indoor gym or any other perks. Or to be more accurate, she didn't want to pay too dear a price for a luxury didn't need.

All in all, Sarah had a rather large canvas to work with and finding the first few visits had been very easy. She informed Emily of the first visit, without asking when she would be available. There would be no negotiation; Sarah was in charge, and that was that. She sent the address by text in her most effective style: bluntly.

17:30. don't be late xxx

At the appointed time, with a heavy heart and shrinking stomach, Emily approached the meeting spot. Sarah was already there, seemingly lost in deep conversation with a very young man. He looked about twelve and was dressed in a suit at least twice his size. Judging by the angle at which his head was tilted, he was struggling to look straight into his interlocutor's eyes. Emily bit her lips in exasperation, knowing all too well what distorted his line of vision. Another man who could only see a woman as an object to fulfil their frustrated desires.

In contrast, Sarah seemed to enjoy her position. Emily didn't like this game, played by too many others, thus perpetuating the stereotype of the readily available woman offering herself to anyone. She was often accused of being jealous and had even been told she would enjoy it if she tried. Not her thing.

Forcing herself to smile, she joined the pair and interrupted their conversation. Sarah greeted her gleefully; the man remained frozen. He gave her a limp and moist handshake before resuming his position with complete disregard for her, the woman in plain clothes who had been introduced as the future tenant. How rude! The ensuing visit was short and punctuated by Sarah's well-targeted questions, which progressively turned the face of the young estate agent from its original crimson to a pallid, near transparent, complexion. She offered no respite, pointing out more than a dozen serious flaws in the building. Goodbyes were expedited as the agent understood there was no point pretending to arrange a follow-up call.

'It was not for you,' offered Sarah when they were alone.

'No kidding!'

'No lift, and too noisy. Imagine trying to sleep in there. I've got one more tomorrow, a better one.'

They left it at that for the evening. It was almost as if Sarah had wanted to create a negative first impression to then wow her with the next apartment.

The following day witnessed a second visit, albeit crowned with similar success.

They walked silently back to the tube station. Another promise was made for the next day. Two apartments this time.

Emily barely had the energy to challenge. 'Really?' She certainly did not enjoy this part of the process and wished Sarah could do it alone. She hated the fake smiles; the pretend compliments, the charade of being polite without meaning any of it. Ever the opposite, Sarah loved it: the chase, the tease, all to obtain some hidden information.

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