[09: to new beginnings]

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Amar's Point of view

Sometimes life simply gets too hard. At times it gets unbearable to live in a world where people judge you for you are. Where they put labels on you, telling you how you are, how you should be and what destiny you deserve. In way I feel like we never get to be ourselves, sometimes we hide the most valuable parts of our being because we're afraid. Afraid that society will kick you out. That you will forever be left out.

People always try to take away your identity, because without it, you become weak and vulnerable. Everyone is so focused on following their own path that they don't consider what they cause to others, maybe they don't even care.

And there in the middle of all this chaos I found you. Now I don't believe in fairytales and I don't aspire to live one, but you saved me. You became my knight in shining armor. You saved me from the hell I had isolated myself in. You opened my eyes and made me see how beautiful this world actually, how beyond all the struggles there's life & kindness everywhere.

You gave me a reason to wake up every morning, you made me fall so harder than I've ever had before. Your touch, your voice, your delicate gestures  and your smily face, I love all of them. I love you.

Flashback two months ago

I was running like crazy and completely lost through the halls. I couldn't be late, I couldn't miss this chance. I was getting late for my audition in one of the most prestigious art universities in the world. It took me so much time and effort to qualify for this day and here I was fucking everything up. After all I always do that.

I was panicking and wasn't looking where I was going and no matter how cliché this sounds, the person I bumped into would be the person I'd fall for, both literally and figuratively. Now I did that fairytales are not my thing, but I happened to me anyway.

"Great. Just great" I groaned, mumbling the words under my breath, but I was caught by surprise by the angelic voice of the male in front of me.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" the mysterious boy said calmly.

I looked up at the male and let me tell you shock is the least thing that happened to me at the moment. I was seeing angels, hearing angelic choirs, chirping of birds and sounds of magnificent waterfalls. I stared at the male's eyes, maybe for way too long, but they seemed so vivid full of emotions. They looked like home.  His face must have been sculpted by gods, if he wasn't a god himself. Every single detail was carved to perfection. His rosy cheeks and his plump lips. I wonder if they feel just as soft as they look? My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the male standing in front of me.

"Do I have something on my face?" he said with a little chuckle.

"N-No." as wall I could say and even that while stuttering. "You're so pretty." I said getting immediately into 'panicked gay mode', that wasn't meant to be said out loud. Why do I keep embarrassing myself like this?

The male simply smiled and I could feel my heartbeat go from normal to erratic in seconds. He has one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen, but after a moment starring at that sunshine of a smile, I remembered. My audition, I was going to miss it.

"Shit I have to go, I'm late for my audition." I said standing up and was about to speak when the male's voice stopped me right away. "The singing audition?" he spoke softly, and all I could do was nod, to embarrassed and panicked to speak.

"Don't worry" he said smiling, can he stop with that already, It's not healthy. "The audition is in about two hours, looks like I'm not the only one who's way too early. Maybe you'd like to go get something to drink with me while we wait." He said that damn smile never leaving his lips. "I'm Jimin." He said putting out his hand to greet me.

"Amar." I shook his hand and decided to go wait for the audition along with the male. The day as you can imagine went, better than I thought. We were talking and laughing, and for the first time in a while, I felt at home. This wasn't the last time I saw Jimin as you can imagine, but this day, this day in particular, was the start of something beautiful.

End of the flashback

Note: While you wait for the next chapter (which won't take long), you can check my best friend's poetry book "Roses and tulips" @faithinkarma

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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