Sixteen: Jimin 🥀

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Soon enough Jimin was discharged from the hospital with everyone. Of course Hoseok was the closest to Jimin on the ride home and even escorted him inside. The others were just a tad jealous Hoseok was the only one around the mochi.

"HOBI GET YOUR HORSE FACE SELF AWAY FROM THE MOCHI I WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM!" Jin yelled pulling away Jimin from Hoseok who, of course was very furious. "UHM. FIRST OF ALL YOU DAMN BANSHEE, THAT IS MY ANGEL AND I WILL BE THE ONLY ONE HE NEEDS IN THIS DAMN GROUP. SECONDLY SCOOT THE HELL OVER YOU LOST YOUR 'EOMMA' TITLED TO ME!" Hoseok snapped pulling Jimin back into his embrace and running off not wanting to die for calling Jin a Banshee.

"BANSHEE? YOU BET YOUR HORSE ASS WON'T BE SEEING THE SUN BY THE END OF TONIGHT!!" Jin ran to the kitchen to get his holy spatula. Hoseok ran into Yoongi's room, locking the door. Yoongi of course, had woken up from all the yelling. Pissy and tired he was ready to kill whoever entered the room but saw Jimin and Hoseok. "Minnie come here." Yoongi moved over. Jimin, who was slightly shaken up moved to Yoongi's side into the bed.

"Hyung I'm getting a headache from all the yelling and being pulled around.." Jimin whispered shuffling closer to Yoongi, who took Jimin into his arms. "Don't worry I'm pretty sure Hoseok and Jin-hyung will both quiet down. Rest Minnie.." the older rested his chin upon the younger's head. Jimin had feel asleep soon after.


Jungkook and Tae were in their room cuddling, ignoring all the yelling. "They are so loud.." Tae groaned. Jungkook nodded kissing the older on the cheek. "Atleast it isn't any bad tension." Jungkook replied with a sigh. "Right? do you plan to get the Mochi without having the hound catch you?" Taehyung raised a brow, still feeling a pang in his heart.

"Mm...dunno..maybe just play it safe for now? Or maybe you can call him in here? I lost my privilege to do anything with Jimin by Hoseok-hyung so...can't really do much.." Jungkook looked at his lap. That's when it hit Taehyung like a truck.

"Why not go against Hoseok's wishes?" Taehyung proposed which ended him with a great smack to the head.



__________________________________________________________________I know I know- writers block had me good ><
BUT! I am back and I have things coming soon so suppose this is a filler? For now atleast! Next chapter may be...uh- something?

Preview cause I love you all <3 :

"I feel nothing for you." Jimin replied in a cold, emotionless tone.

"Stay away from him got it?! You're nothing to him and he's nothing to you! Get out of his life already!" +-3€^*|\|% shouted making the other whimper from the pain emitting around his wrist from the harsh grasp he was in.

"————— NO!" They ran to save him.

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