Chapter 7

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Jack's POV

I was busy enjoying my candy when I heard someone climbing my gate. I put my candy down and went to see what was making all the noise. It was (y/n)!!! She had a duffel bag with her. I teleported over to her and she bumped into me. We laughed for about 5 minutes and I helped her up. "What are you doing here so soon? Hahahahaha!" "Killed my mom and sister and cops started coming." I then questioned about the bag. "Oh you know, I planned this already so I have all my stuff." "Oh. So you're going to stay here with me?" "If I can. I was kinda hoping. Yeah." I had to smile at this. Not that I barely smile. Haha. I led her to my main tent and into the back where there was a secret trap door.

Your POV

Jack led you to a trap door in one of the tents in his carnival and took a weird looking key out and opened it. The two of you went down into it and you were led through a maze like hallway until you got to a living room. You made a mental note to tell him to show you how to get in and out without getting lost. He showed you your room and let you settle in. Then you guys went back to the living room and watched movies and ate candy and other movie snacks until you fell asleep...on Jack. He blushed and fell asleep holding you close to him after turning off the TV.

I Love.......Candy (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now