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Hi! So, to begin with, this is a re-upload of my first Fanfiction which is French.

So, really sorry if my English suck at it, I will be looking forward to getting some help from you (if you want to) to help me improve in my English writing.

So, to inform you, I always (or try to) make 2 chapters in the French version will I will be doing 1 chapter in the English version, so, there is always at least 2 chapters that are already written for me to translate for you.

I decide to make it in English since the English community is bigger than the French one and I want to share it with both of the community.

Also, the French version has 5 chapters in advance than the English one, so, I always have some work to do to take some advance, since, translating those chapter (since they are not short) gonna take some time (a lot).


I hope you are looking forward to this Fanfiction, I also have 2 books for Character x Reader, one that has lemon, the other one is soft. They are in French, for now, but, MAYBE I will make an English version of both.

Who know shrug

I hope to have comment from you, the first chapter in English SHOULD come out tonight, depend on if I finish my preparations for my journey to Toronto before tonight.

Soooooo ...

See you soon!!

A Angels of Death Fanfiction : Zack x F!Reader [Hell Journey, or not?] *COMPLET*Where stories live. Discover now