Chapter 12

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|A Month Later|

Miley's Pov:

I am now three months pregnant. The doctor here has modified my treatments so that they won't effect the growing baby inside me. Joe and I have grown closer than ever since I got pregnant. He makes sure I'm getting enough to eat and drink and getting enough rest.

It was lunchtime and Joe was being just a bit over bearing. "Be sure to eat some veggies the baby needs them," he said to me as I chose what I wanted for lunch. "I know!" I snapped and he looked at me in surprise. "What the fuck was that about?" he asked.

"Look," I said grabbing a Coke and a bottle of water, "I know you're just trying to take care of me but...... it's getting somewhat annoying." We walked to a table and sat down. "Annoying? Since when trying to be a good daddy annoying?" Joe asked me stabbing at his salad.

I sighed. "I'm happy that you want to help me and all it's are getting a bit suffocating. Ease up a bit. I'll do everything you say baby," I said covering his hand with mine. "Ok I admit I've been a bit demanding. I'm sorry baby. I'll ease up," he said kissing my cheek.

"Ok baby," I said and started eating my chicken wrap and veggie chips. We were almost done when the secretary from the front desk came up to us. "You have some visitors Joe," she said and we saw Seth and Dean standing behind her.

Joe smiled and went to them. They hugged then he turned to me. "Miley you probably know these two morons already--" he began and the other two shot him glares, "--but I'll introduce you anyway. Jon, Colby, this is Miley the girl who has stolen my heart. Miley these are my best friends Jon and Colby."

"Or Seth and Dean," I said and hugged both of them. "Nice to meet you both." I laid a hand on my bump. Colby(Seth) zeroed in on it. "Um Joe is there something you want to tell us?" he asked.

"Oh yeah......," Joe said placing his hand on top of mine, "Miley and I are having a baby!" The guys looked at him in shock and disbelief. "You better hope Stephanie and Baron don't find out......your ass will be grass if they do!" Jon(Dean) said. "Already have a plan for that. Miley and I are gonna call them tomorrow and tell them," he said.

I looked at Joe. This was a surprise to me. "When were you going to tell me?" I hissed at him. "I was going to earlier but they showed up," he hissed back. "Oh," I said shrugging.

We went outside and sat in the visiting area. "So how are you two feeling? Joe's told us about your battle Miley. That has to be a bitch fighting three types of cancer at once," Colby said.

I nodded. "It is. But I've been told that my bowel and stomach cancer has diminished almost halfway and my lung cancer is showing signs of diminishing,"I said and Joe smiled at me. "And my leukemia is about 45% diminished. I have a ways to go but I'm feeling pretty good," Joe said.

"That's awesome. That means you're 55% away from being in remission," Colby said to Joe. "So is Miley. My baby and I are leaving here together come hell or high water," Joe said wrapping his arms around me and laying his hand on my bump.

Roman's Pov:

Colby looked at me. "Well I hope you're planning on marrying Miley once you two are out of here," he said. I gave him a look. "Hell yeah I plan on it. Miley's everything I could ever want or need in this world. I'm not leaving her until I get called to my heavenly home," I said.

"And that won't be anytime soon," we heard behind us and there stood my and Miley's doctor. "I got some real good news for you both," he said. "Really? What is it?" Miley asked the question I was thinking. "Well Joe your white blood cell count has risen higher than it's been since you arrived here almost three months ago," the doctor said.

"Well damn," I said in amazement. "That's great!" The doctor smiled at Miley. "Your stomach cancer is almost completely gone according to the last tests we did two weeks ago," the doctor told her.

"What about my other cancers?" she asked. I held my breath. "Lung hasn't progressed any which is good. Bowel is down 65%," the doctor said.

I looked at Miley with a huge smile. "Baby you're healing!" I said and kissed her. "I know! It's great!" she said after kissing me back. "What great news!" Colby said.

I stared at her picturing her in a sexy white bridal gown with a rose in her hair. She looked gorgeous. I must've had a sappy look on my face cause the next thing I felt was a smack on the back of my head courtesy of Colby. "Wipe your chin you were drooling," he said with a snicker.

I flipped him off with a laugh and swiped at my chin with the back of my hand. "Can't help that she's drool worthy!" I cracked and Miley let out a groan."Its true baby," I insisted.

"It's official: you've gone off the deep end Joe my man," Jon said shaking his head. "Could be worse," I said putting my hand on Miley's ass and squeezing it, making her squeal.

Colby and Jon left about fifteen minutes later and Miley and I went inside for dinner and a movie in the common room (they showed "Child's Play 2" much to my and Miley's surprise) then we headed to bed after a long tender kiss goodnight. I already knew I'd be dreaming about her all night.

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