Over the River...

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"The woods? You want to go with me?"
Of course, that was a silly question to ask. Why wouldn't he want to go with me? He did just ask me, after all.

But still. Maybe he just wants to go on one little outing so he won't feel bad about making me into his friend. Best friend, maybe, but that wasn't really what I was going for.


"Sure! I mean, yeah! When would you wanna go, exactly?"

Jeez, dude... Calm down. It's like you're playing 20 Questions with him. Just give him some time to answer.

"Friday? I mean, I don't have any friends to hang out with anyways, so sure!"

Wrong answer, idiot. He probably thinks nobody's your friend because you're not worth anything to anybody!

"I can't wait!"

Too enthusiastic.

So, waiting for Friday was basically Hell. I had second guesses, panic attacks, little breakdowns... I thought everything that could go wrong, would go wrong. Was he interested in me? Hell if I knew. I just wanted to make a good first impression.

Don't you think it's funny how we lived next to each other for years, but this was the first time we'd be spending time with one another?

Me, too.

So, that week was a drag. When Friday finally rolled around, it had felt like a couple odd years had gone by.

"Ah, hey! You almost ready?"

"Mhm mhm! I'll be pulling up right outside your house soon!"

"Okay!! I can't wait!!"

He thinks you're weird. Don't expect to get a text from him afterwards. 

The whole car ride was just great! I was looking at him the entire time, and he didn't notice! Stalkerish, I know, but he's just so... beautiful. Perfect, even! I know perfection isn't real, but he was as close to it as anybody could get. Kind eyes, warm smile... and his freckles... Ugh... I would DIE for them.

The hike at the supply pond was really nice. It was when the leaves were starting to change, and I would laugh every time he said "crunch, crumch, CROMCH" to himself, that he thought I couldn't hear. His dog was amazing, too! She was really shy, but she didn't make any noise or anything!

Of course, I tried to make a move. I couldn't recall whether he was still with his now-ex-boyfriend or not, but I just wanted to kiss him right then and there. I still wasn't sure, plus it might have been too soon, and I'm also a very nervous person in general, so even going on a "date" was a really big thing for me. I quote date because we weren't really entertaining the idea of romance between us, not because we didn't find each other attractive, but we just weren't focused on it at the time.

Fast forward to the car ride home, I was mentally punching myself for calling him "as close to me as a brother," because I was sure that turned him away for good.

Of course, I'd come to find out that in a few days, he thought of me much more than I had any idea he would...

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