Moving In

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After having a blast with my sissy (sister's name), I prepared everything for my first day of school and prepared my uniform, bandage, the wig "Oh! And...don't forget the guys perfume that probably all guys there put on!" I tried to put it on a piece of paper to test out the scent and it was...... "What the? It doesn't smell anything! Oh..whatever" I didn't really mind because it wasn't really a big deal anyway. I packed all my bag, even sissy helped me and said "Here, this is now your very own phone, call me if you are moving in okay?" "OMG!!! Yes,yes..okay okay.... thank you really really really really really really much!!!!!" I shouted while hugging her tightly "uh..(y/nickname) I-I-I c-can't b-breathe...!" She said "Oh! Sorry sis, didn't mean that to happen" I stopped squeezing her "Alright, go on, go to bed now, you don't wanna be late do you?" She asked, when she does that, she always reminds me of mom, "Oh-oh! Yeah, yeah, right.... Okay, goodnight sis! Love ya" I said while jumped on the bed and got comfy under the blanket, she giggled and said "Oh, sure, goodnight too" she turned off the lamp and closed the door. I was staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling and then fell asleep.
The Next Day
*Before alarm clock can even ring* *CRI-* "I'm up!" I shouted, I forgot I had to go to school, so I went to the bathroom bringing the uniform, wig, bandage and towel. I turned on the shower and thought about everything or what will ever happen, after spacing out, I came back to my mind and turned off the shower, I put on my towel in a rolling technique and looked at the mirror, I took the hair blower and blew my hair as fast and as hot as it can get, a few minutes later, my hair was dry and I tied it up in a bun. I put on the wig and wrapped the bandage around my y'know.... Breast. Then I wore the uniform, I went downstairs to see sissy looking at me weirdly, as if she had never seen me before..wait...oh! It's because I am wearing the boys' uniform, okay... I get it.. " What?" I asked her tilting my head to the right, she shook her head and said "Come on! Get down here and get your toast." She said, I nodded and went downstairs 2 steps at a time
Yes! I am living a dangerous life! I don't care, besides, the stairs' made up of carpet so no big deal
I went to the table to get the toast with melting cheese, "Hey sis! I'm off, bye-" she interrupted "Oh no you don't! Not without your lunch, here" she shouted while giving me a very neat lunch box. "Now can I go?" I asked "Yup! And all ready. Bye! I love you" she said while kissing my forehead. I set off to see the bus just in time to stop in front of the house. I went inside and boy there were skele- ton  of skeleton..
Ehhh? So? How was the joke? No? Okay fine
I picked a random seat where I saw a lonely skeleton sketching on his sketchbook. I was mesmerized by all his drawing, soon enough he noticed that I was staring at his drawing and how he was drawing, he immediately closed his book and said faintly "P-p-please d-don't l-look at my d-drawing, I-I'm terrible at it." "No! It's great!" Holy cow! I said it in my original voice. Luckily he didn't notice "R-really?" He asked rather more excited, "Y-Yeah!" I finally said it in my male voice, "Th-thanks, I-I'm Ink, what's your name?" "I'm (first letter of your real name) I-I mean (your male name/fake name)....." I awkwardly laughed scratching my head. He laughed too, I felt like a little blush on me! How?! How is this even happening?!?! He finally opened his book and let me see all his drawing, I was really focused on the drawing and how he drew, it's like I wanted to draw too! He looked at me understanding what is written all over my face, he took out his pencil and his sketchbook and handed it over to me, I was really speechless, and said "Th-thanks? You sure about this?" I asked stuttering, not knowing what words will completely fall out of my mouth, he nodded, "Yeah, you could give it to me if you are done drawing" he said, I saw a faded rainbow blush dust on his cheek, I didn't know he blushes rainbow?! I took the sketchbook and the pencil, and thanked him again, we reached to the school and boy it was huge! I'm gonna be used into saying "boy" now 'cause you know, I will be pretending to be a boy and yeah, yeah.. whatever... Me and Ink both parted ways and then yeah, I sorta got lost and finally made it but I was "10 seconds late!" Mr. Gaster said while slamming his hand to the table, "Take your seat!" He said, I went in putting my head down, I sat in the back of the class near the window, Mr. Gaster was calling of all our names, "Undertale Sans?" He answered but didn't raised his hand, Mr. Gaster didn't care so he moved on, "Paperjam?" Paperjam raised his hand and said present, paperjam looked like Ink but his color was black and had this floating thing on the side of his head, "Underfresh Sans?" Mr. Gaster called, Underfresh Sans raised his hand and raised up a present box and said "Present", everyone laughed and giggled, he had a "YOLO" sunglasses... Mr. Gaster continued until he called my name, "(y/fake name) (Middle name) (Last name)" I raised my hand and said "P-Present!" Mr. Gaster saw, and continued his lesson,
I just drew some pictures, in Ink's sketchbook, I didn't know that Mr. Gaster was already behind me, he went beside me and slammed his hand on the sketchbook, he asked "Do you want me to confiscate this, Mr.(y/f/n)?" "No, s-sorry sir.." Then Mr. Gaster assigned us in our rooms, "Paperjam, Ink and Mr. (Y/f/n)." Mr. Gaster said,
Then he continued on. At that time, Mr. Gaster's phone buzzed, he looked at what it was and was confused, but he did it anyway. "Mr. (Y/f/n), you will be in a room with Underlust, because the principal told me to do so." I look in disgust, I glanced at Lust and he was looking at me strangely, he even looked at me gross while putting his tongue out, "Come to me and I will let my knifu end your lifu" I said in a cold voice, Mr. Gaster looked at me and shouted "Mr. (Y/f/n)! Take that back and say sorry" "Wha...? *Sighed* I take it back, I'm sorry" I said glaring at him, then I looked away. Mr. Gaster was giving out the keys, after that we had lunch time, I stayed in my seat and luckily, Ink came up to me. "Hey, sorry that your sketchbook almost got confiscated." I said "Don't worry, mine got confiscated, you didn't know because you weren't listening." He said giggling, he sat down beside me and took out his lunch, I took out mine to and opened it. WOAH! The form of my lunch was Fairy Tail!!!!! I was very thankful to my big sis because she knew what I wanted. Ink leaned over to see what my lunch was, surprisingly, he asked "Fairy Tail?" "Y-Yeah, wait, How'd you know?" I said, he showed me his lunch, it was Fairy Tail too!!!! OMG!!!! He watches that too?!?! We both were shocked and laughed it off, he wanted to try mine so I let him have a bite, he widened his eyes with his unmatched eyes/eye socket, then he smiled and said "W-wow! It's very delicious, who made it?" Then I said "Really? Well my big sister made it, I wasn't really expecting my lunch was going to be  Fairy Tail." We ate lunch together and talk, until someone came to destroy everything. Lust slammed his boney hand on my desk "Don't touch my darling" he looked at Ink, I rolled my eyes and said " Your gonna break my desk." He looked at me and said " Don't worry, I'll fix that later." Then he put his tongue out, I started glaring at him. He winked at me then walked away. I looked at Ink, he putting his stuff away, I told him "Hey Ink, here's the sketchbook" handing him out the sketchbook, he looked at me and smiled "Thanks." He went out and I called my big sis,
*Dialing on the other phone
(Italic sister)
I need you now and are you going to bring my stuff?
Yup! On my way
Okay, thanks sis, bye!
*Call ended
I went out the school and saw my sister outside and bringing all my stuff and buying me some more and "extra" clothes, she huffed of tire, she looked at me and ran towards me, and hugged me. She helped me bring my stuff to my room, while getting there she asked me some questions, "So, have you made any progress making friends?" She asked looking at me with a smirk "Y-Yeah, earlier, when I got on the bus, I-  WHAT'S WITH THAT FACE?!" Her face was like in the anime like this "0w0" yeah, I know. She asked then "So, what does he do, what is his name and do you "LIKE" him?" " Well, he loves drawing, a while ago, he lended me his sketchbook and his pencil, I drew something there and he liked it, his name is Ink, and uh... I guess, but only as a friend! Oh, that reminds, thank you for making my lunch Fairy Tail. If you haven't done that, I wouldn't have to have a matching lunch with Ink." I mentioned her one last thing, "Sis, there is one thing I have a problem with, my roommate is-" as I opened the door to my room, I saw Lust waiting for me, lying on his bed. "-him" I continued. "Oh! So you have a girlfriend? Let me kill her" he said while tentacles at his back popped out, on the other hand, my sister pulled out her katana at her back and was ready to fight. I went infront of my sister, and said "She is not my girlfriend! She is my big sister!" I shouted while summoning some swords at from all angles and Lust finally stopped. "Oh, I didn't mean to do that" he pulled back his tentacles and went out the door. My sister put back her katana back. She put everything where it was all supposed to be, put my beddings, pillows, clothes in my very own closet, luckily the room was already big enough for another bed, MY very own bed. So I won't get to sleep with that Flip boy. All, everything that my sister brought for me. Even I had some cute cat onesie. She kissed me goodbye on my forehead. She went outside and went back home. When I turned around, Flip boy came back and pushed me back to the wall and was ready to come at me. Then I knew what to do "Hey look! That guys has some big booty!" Pointing to the left, when Lust looked at the direction where I was pointing at, I managed to escape him and ran towards Ink and Paperjam's room, I knocked on the door so badly "Ink! Ink! Let me in! Flip boy's gonna get me! Please let me in" He opened the door and I was really worried, he tried to ask me some questions, but right when he tried to come towards me, I suddenly passed out. Everything was a blur. When I woke up, I happen to be laying on Ink's bed, shivering, trembling in pain. I saw him and Paperjam staring at me, I asked them "Wh-what happened?" Ink said "When I tried to go infront of you, you passed out, luckily, I caught you, I have to call the doc-" he said but I interrupted "N-no!" I said holding his hand. "Paperjam, please, would you mind if you leave us alone?" I asked. Paperjam nodded his head and closed the door behind him. "Ink, don't tell anyone about this, please, I-I'm a-a girl." I said, "(y/f/n), this isn't an all boys school." He said " I just don't want to be kicked out and I don't wanna lose you." I coughed and my temperature went high. He put his forehead into mine to check my temperature, this caused me into More heat!!! He leaned back "Then, what'll make you better?" He asked worrying. "Just call my big sister, she knows what to do." He dialed the number of my sister.
*Dialing on the other phone
Hello, my name's Ink, I have to ask because (y/f/n) is ill, do you know how to heal her?
(Y/ real name)?!?! She is sick?! Ok, this what you gotta do, feed her lots of sweets and sooner or maybe later , she'll be alright
Okay, thank you, what is your name?
My name it (y/s/n)
Okay bye
*Call ended
Ink got up and said "You stay here okay? I'll let Paperjam guard you outside the door." He went to pick up his bag and went outside. I sat up and tried to get my phone, then I noticed a card on the window and inside was a chocolate bar. I read the note and this is what was written....

Dear Senpai,
           I got you here a chocolate bar. For you to stop your craving for chocolate. Hope you get better soon!
                                                          - Secret Admirerer
Then I thought, how'd she or he know I was sick? Maybe whoever made this overheard. I took the chocolate bar and opened it. I ate the chocolate bar. And got a little better. I ate all of it so I put the wrapper in the bin and went back to bed.
Hey guys!!! Enjoying the story? I will always be motivated and finish this story. Every part there will be a thousand words added. So until next time!!!!!

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