Hi guys! This is my very first Wattpad story, I wanted to become a great writer just like my big sister @Me_as_Yusuke16, she reached like...I don't know how many views but I want to be as great as her! So please don't hate me for this...I only write...
Ink's POV I was blushing a wind or a messed up rainbow, Paperjam could see it's very visible color, "Sooooooooo, ya ganna tell her how'ya feel? " Paperjam asked "I'm willing to wait for it" I said or more like sang "Don't say that, I know you got that from Aaron Burr from Hamilton -_-" Paperjam said "Hehe, guessed it right! Well, I will wait for it, even if it takes years" I said while covering my face with my freakin' cozy blanket. "*sigh, alright, *yawn goodnight Ink" Paperjam said while patting my head, then turning around to Sleep. I put my arm on my fore head, then, the next thing I know was that I fell asleep
(Y/N) 's POV In a Dream (And yes, Dream did this to (Y/N), I duunno why)
I saw myself hanging out with my elementary classmates "Hey (Y/N)!!! " Gabi shouted behind me, with my old crush who was my best friend and all my best friends and friends, I turned arround and waved at them, I ran to them hugged all of them. "Ohhh, I miss you guys! Where were you? Oh, doesn't matter. I really miss you guyz!!! " I hugged them soo hard. "Heh, hey! Let's hang out at the mall! " Khian said (A/N Uhh so, if you haven't read the Chapter "My Crush" you have to read it, you will find familiar names here, I'm sorry I will use them, I just really miss them now, so don't mind me) "Yeah! Sounds good! " I shouted in excitement "Hey, (Y/N)" Jemeica said (My Bestfriend) I hummed in a reply "I.... Nevemind" she said then we all walked together at this very huge mall! I looked everywhere, where I saw all my classmates wearing formal clothes now! I looked at them in awe, gazing through the flash of sequenced clothes like a star shining through my naked eye and blinding it. I told Khyzelle(My bestfriend too) "Hey! Nice dress! " "Well, yours really stand out the most because it really looks beautiful on you! " She said I looked very confused and looked at what she was describing and HOLY COW I WAS WEARING A MISS UNIVERSE GOWN!
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Yes, like that. This was 2018 Philippines. She was the winner. "WHAT THE HECK?! How did I end up wearing this? "I asked and then "Oh, I really have to go, maybe dance will follow you behind? "Khyzelle rushed off to go to my other best friends. Then I thought 'Dance is at my back'? Just then "Heh, hey" Khian put his hand on my shoulder causing me to slap it before he could even place it on my shoulder 'Oh no! ' struck into my mind and then soon realizes "Holy cow! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" "It's fine! You really look like Catriona Gray right now. " (Check out Catriona Gray cuz SHE'S PWETTY!!! https://www.google.com/search?q=Catriona+Gray&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj4wNbigqffAhVQh3AKHZY0BccQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Catriona+Gray&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..35i39l3j0j0i67.8137.22722..24154...1.0..1.615.14381.0j4j25j8j7j3......0....1.......5..30i10.4WAMEgIieKg&ei=e6sXXLgX0I7CA5bplLgM&prmd=ivn&biw=451&bih=656#imgrc=tD69adOB_BQnwM) "Wha-? " I said then I rolled my eyes then pouted in a cross form with my hands. He laughed then offered me a dance, I took his hand then we spun up until he said "Well, I'm not your First and Last dance, there's one more guy you have to dance to finish. " and then there, I saw.....