Fifty: New Nightmares

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Report: Quinn
Just off the coast of Nova Scotia.
Alliance home base.
Designation: "The Firmament"

We were once again gathered in the makeshift briefing room, mismatched chairs and tables assembled near the edge of one of the Firmament's highest platforms. Around us, the levels far below hummed with activity.

Dropships and mechs alike whirled through the open space, flying from platform to platform or gliding along on mechanical tracks that lead them through various stages of preparation.

A ramshackle stage had been constructed near the far wall, a hastily assembled platform consisting of a few tables and a cotton sheet.

Mallet paced the stage, and I could see her hands clasped behind her back. It felt odd to be standing up onstage next to her instead of down there in the audience, awaiting orders.

A sea of red jumpsuits gazed back. Our gathering of some fifty-odd pilots was less than we had ever possessed but still enough to finish the job our allies had died for.

"This is it, folks."

Mallet's voice was firm. Her eyes were still and calm. Focused.

We all had to be.

The rest of Squadron Seven, accompanied by both Dan and Laura, stood at my sides, watching Mallet's speech.

"As you may have heard," Mallet began, "the battle for The Crater's warhead was a success, thanks to some quick thinking by our own Doctor Daniel Stonewood."

Some applause. Dan stepped forward, leaning on a crutch. His left knee was braced for the time being. Physical therapy would be needed, but what mattered was that he was alive and mostly intact.

"And," Mallet continued, "a heroic rescue by Jackson Quinn."

More applause. It caught me off guard. Dan had been fine, in the end. I'd just been his errand boy. But applause was applause and this morale boost was a welcome change for the others.

"We've struck a major blow against Axion Industries, but now we need to hit even harder."

Mallet resumed pacing.

"Project Terminus, though destroyed, remains unaffiliated with our enemy to the world at large. With Axion's vast resources, it's only a matter of time before the wreckage is hidden away for good."

Smiles disappeared, replaced by too-familiar grimaces of anger and frustration. Axion had covered its tracks well, hiding any involvement with the rogue warship. The American government was too dependant on Axion factories and mechs to blow the whistle, and no other country, allied or otherwise, had any tangible evidence that Axion had created such a monstrosity.

If we didn't act fast, Axion would use its vast fortune to cover its tracks and escape all punishment.

Mallet nodded, placating the anxious murmurs.

"What's more, the technology used in Terminus' construction currently remains a powerful threat to us. If we do not understand their weaponry, nothing will stop them from repeating Yamantau."

The crowd fell silent and solemn. The siege of Yamantau was still fresh on everyone's minds.

"In order to properly combat Axion's weaponry in the future," Mallet explained, "we need their hardware. We've received reports that most of the warship's wreckage has landed over a five-mile area on the American side of the Mojave desert. This includes the frame of the ship and anything that was not destroyed during detonation or re-entry."

Mallet's eyes lit up.

"It also," she grinned, "contains everything we need to show the world Axion's criminal intentions."

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