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The flowers sway as I try to respond. What was I doing? Was I not meant to side with Arima? The one I loved most?

Kaneki meekly stands, wiping the tears from his face. He steps in front of me blocking my view of the reaper. 'Stay back Y/n, you don't want to hurt the child do you?'

Arima raises his Quinque once again. I take a step back from the two as my mind tingles like a thread.

What? I don't get it....Kaneki was a friend so dear to me I couldn't find it no matter how deep I searched in my heart to betray him. Watch a friend get torn to shreds by a lover. And I couldn't take the guilt of turning against the man who gave me the child that I was carrying deep within me. What was I to do?

I stood there staring in frozen animation, looking at the flowers ebbing and rustling like trees.

Kaneki strikes with his Kagune but Arima evades. 'Don't you dare kill her....' Kaneki beckons striking anywhere Arima moved. Easily he dodges. 'She has your can't kill her....'

He doesn't say anything.

'Why can't ghouls and humans just live in peace....' I say close to a whisper. Kaneki and Arima freeze in their stances, Arima gives me a quick glance.

'I'm only doing my duty as a Special Investigator...'

Kaneki hisses, he strikes his kagune at the floor where Arima stands. 'SCREW YOUR DUTY!!! WASN'T IT YOU WHO TOLD ME I MUST DEFEND MY FRIENDS AT ALL COSTS?!'

Arima remains silent, too busy evading. 

My hands were starting to tremble, I just sat there not being able to move, there was some sense in Arima's words yet also Kaneki's, I didn't want to useless when I knew despite my current pain I could still do something. Was Arima really holding back?...

I didn't want anyone to fight anymore, nobody was the villain nobody ever was and I knew that more than anything. Perhaps it was okay to make sacrifices in the pursuit of peace, and I was ready, ready to make my move.

Arima uses his quique to slice Kaneki's side as he screams I grit my teeth, Kaneki falls. He sends a final tentacle towards Arima who dodges. I was beginning to become restless now I raise to my feet and advance towards Arima.

I streach out my hands as if to hug him, his sword swinsg around his frame until it penetrates my stomach, where the baby was I think. I don't know why I did it but it scared me as well as hurt but it all had to stop.

I hear Kanki scream and Arima looks me dead in the eyes I could see a small glint but I fall.

'Y-y/n....' He says faintly.

The fighting stops altogether.

White noise (Arima x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now