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???'s pov

My black suit was well suited for the occasion. I straighten my tie as I look down at the soil. The gravestone stuck up like it was watching me.

The overcast sky darkens with grief as I look up for a moment taking in its bliss. It was a sad  world and I always knew that but today it grew heavy like a boulder. I pay my respects silently to the grave and lament in the cold.

The ghouls were terrible creatures and it made me growl just thinking about it. I place my hand on the grave but the cold stone was better at silence then I was. A small tear wells in my eye.

'I will kill those bastards every last one of them....' Those bastards killed my friends, and I wasn't there to protect him. I feel my stomach turn.

'Your mother said that once Sobaru...'

I turn to see my father looking ahead from a withered rose he was admiring. 

'Your mother would be sad to see you destroyed like this'

'Let her be destroyed Kisame was an amazing friend his lost will damage me forever...' I feel my lips quiver by mentioning my dead comrade's name.

He pulls me to himself as I sob weakly. The black of his suit acting like a bold shadow to cave my cries.

'Revenge huh? It's not too late...'

I knew it wasn't but I didn't want to be weak anymore, I wanted to act, to be strong like my father.

After about a millon tears Father takes me homeward.

'Sobaru let's go home...your mother is waiting for us...'

As we walk through the silent path I thought I saw a man with flowing white hair smile at me from a distance for some reason I wanted to smile back.

White noise (Arima x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now