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Hand in hand Kaneki and I run down the empty halls, trying to find anyone. My legs grew weaker a lot quicker and my sides screamed with pain.

Every once in a while, while running I had to stop to endure the pain.

I suck in a hazy breath as I clutch my pain. 'We have to keep going Y/n!!' He shouts attempting to pick me up.

'...I must be strong....' I mutter standing my ground.

We reach an abundance of wide stairs tumbling to an abyss of more stairs, Kaneki looks at me with concerned eyes. 'I-I can make it...' I whisper uneasily.

A liquid red tendril protrudes from his back; it clutches the railing, 'hold on tight....' he says grabbing my waist.

He lunges off the stairwell and soars down. We were birds looking for a cage. My hair flutters in a rapid frenzy of white strings. Round and round until we reach a landing.

A large pane of glass stood in our way. We smash through like a seal through water. Pixels of glass dance about, reeling in our wake. Everything was in slow motion until, we both catapult into a large hall that lay in front of us.

I knew it all too well and so did Kaneki. He lands with me safely in his arms; he impacts with the marble floor.

We stayed in our position on the floor for a moment, the sound of footsteps approaching. I slowly get up, Kaneki following. 'Are you ok?' He says inspecting me closely. 'Yeah...' I brush my suit. Ken's eyes travel back down to my stomach; a small smile tapes across his face.

'Y/n...' Kaneki says kneeling at my feet, looking up into my eyes solemnly. The blood red of his ghoul eye glistens with a spark of hope.

'I found out who I am, so I needed to save them..' His voice was wobbling more and more by the minute. All until he couldn't hold it anymore. Tears were spilling from his eyes like paint tumbling down a unused canvass.

He lowers his head. Lower and lower till it was nearly to my feet.

I didn't want to loose them!

The phrase made my head spin. The emotions welling inside me from back then, in that park were flying back. His snowy white hair swaying in the wind as he brawled his eyes out over killing my father.

'They wanted to kill my friends, Hinami-chan, Touka-chan......Irimi, Koma.....H-hide.......' He breaks down instantly. Blood and tears streaming down his face. I wanted so badly to hold him but my stiff hands wouldn't move.


'They're ghouls- so weather or not they–they helped provide info to them–one day they had to die....I couldn't sit and let that happen....I had to kill–I had to...... but now I have to face the consequence and be killed by Arima...I'm sorry...this is goodbye....' He breaks down again, crying to the ground. I stood looking upon the child. But then he starts laughing. His voice getting louder and louder till it rang out and bounced off the walls.

'You caused all this Kaneki?'

He slowly looks up at me

White noise (Arima x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now