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I turn my head towards the sound echoing from the woods, it's darkness engulfing my frame

"Come out" I mumble in a low monotone voice, the arrow between my fingers ready to take flight any second

A few short seconds pass before light footsteps emerge from my left and I quickly adjust my range of motion. Her figure becomes illuminated by the soft moonlight and my aim steady between her eyes

She only has on a pair of dirty sneakers, black jeans and a white t-shirt stained with dark red blood but I can't help it when I stare at her innocent face covered by her dark black hair wavering in the soft breeze

"You're a child" I state while keeping my eyes on her

"P-Please don't shoot" Her voice thin and weak

"I-I just can't c-c-control myself" She admits shamefully and I gulp, closing my eyes only for a quick second, my emotions kicking in. She sounds exactly like a normal girl and I would have been fooled if it wasn't for those glaring red eyes and fresh blood running down her chin

"Where is your leader?" My voice firm yet softer than earlier as I stare into the eyes of the newborn.

"He l-left me" She says, clumsily fiddling with her fingers "He said I-I was too weak to carry on so t-t-they left me behind"

She then pins her eyes on the head of my arrow and immediately begins to beg knowing her options are limited

"Please d-don't" Fear filling her small body as she stumbles a few steps backwards "I promise I w-w-wont kill anyone a-again, just please don't"

I hold my breath as I think about what I'm doing. Did I really want to kill a child?

"An immortal child" I mumble mainly to myself. A child who can or has already killed hundred of thousands of people. Did I really want to let a murderer live?

"I'm sorry"

The wind carries my whisper to her and a singer tear drop out of her eye.


"You can sleep with me until I can clear out the second bedroom," I throw down my weapon on the couch "And I don't want no funny business coming from you or else we're going to have serious problems little one" I lower my gaze on the girl and she suddenly perks, quickly nodding her head

"Good" I pat her head lightly

"Good" She repeats childishly after me and I suddenly find myself with a smile on my face.

I crouch down to her height and take in her beautiful facial features

"How old are you?" I ask but she tilts her head questioningly at me "I mean, before you became immortal" I rephrase

"Eight" She answers and I sigh. Poor thing. She probably still doesn't understand what world she had gotten sucked into, much less how dangerous she is to the world

"What happened to your parents?" I brush a strand of her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear and I can see the tears forming in her eyes. Yeah, I've never been the best with children.

"I killed them because he told me" Her blunt answer causes me to freeze for a millisecond but I quickly recover with soothing rub on her arm.

Hoping she hadn't sensed it I just give her a small smile

"It's okay," I lie "They're in a better place now" She sniffles and nods her head weakly

Feeling bad and wanting to take her mind off killing her own parents, I offer what no child could resist

"You wanna take a bubble bath?"

And her ruby eyes light up like the Fourth of July.


"Naeun" She calls out to me in the darkness of my room and I hum, already half asleep

"Aren't you afraid of me?" She asks quietly

"Why would I be" I answer tiredly with a hint of annoyance that she chooses now to ask questions.

"Just because you're a human and I'm a vampire" Her tone showing confidence and I actually let out a chuckle slip between my lips

"What did you just say?" My exhaustion washed away and I sit up to turn on the lamp next to my bed just so I could have the pleasure of seeing how confused she must be

As our eyes adjust to the light, I can see the big pout on her lips, showing her innocence but I don't let up

"What makes you think I'm human?" Sass clearly evident in my tone

"Well, you don't look scary and you don't smell like anything spooky so you have to be a human" She concludes seriously and I can only laugh at her accusation

"Oh sweetie," I wipe away the fake tear in the corner of my eye "I am far from anything human and beyond anything spooky" I mock her teasingly and she tilts her head at me

"I don't understand" Her voice laced with uncertainty

"Have you ever heard of witches?"

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