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"Jieun you ready to go now?" I say with my arms crossed as I watch the nymph braid her hair and she nods before turning and smiling brightly at me

"Yes unnie. As soon as Lela finishes" She says a little too grown and I chuckle just seeing her enjoy herself.

She is sitting on the warm sand with the water nymph Lela while the others are giggling in the shallow water just in front of the duo

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her girls" I make my way towards the water and take my place next to Jieun and all they do is nod at me with smiles plastered on their faces

"I'd like to gift this to you all as a token of my gratitude" I bring my hand up and lightly wave them only to create a clearing between some trees on the other side of the small lake. The nymphs all glance over at where the trees are parting

Carefully a man suddenly makes his way out of the woods and finds himself at the edge of the lake. Clearly confused but sane enough for their liking. The nymphs all turn to look at me with gentle smiles but I know better.

They then dip their heads below the water and disappear.

With that, Lela ties Jieun's hair with a stem of beautiful yellow flower and she gives her a kiss on the forehead before diving into the water.

When she pops her head back up, she waves happily at us and we return the parting before standing and dusting off our pants 

"Let's go Jieun" I tell her, a hand on her small back already making sure her back is turned towards the nymphs and the man who is about to become their next victim.


"So what happened with the wolf?" Jieun asks while we're having dinner. I had tried my best to divert her attention the past three hours but I should have known better that she would have brought it up.

Different thoughts run through my mind but I just simply tell her "Let's not talk about it Jieun. They're gone now and that's all that matters okay?" With a soft tone I rely the words the best I can and to my surprise she nods without saying anything else

I guess she must understand important things. Smart girl.

And that was the last time the wolf was brought up in our house for the next week.


"I don't know-"

"Come on" Jieun whines, grabbing ahold of my arm and begins to swing it back and forth

"It'll be dark, people will barely notice me" She looks up at me pleadingly.

I gulp as the soft spot in my heart continues to be abused.

Tremendously, may I add.

It's only been at least two since I 'adopted' my new 'sister' and much like a sister, she's a bratty, needy little thing. 

Tonight was supposedly going to be the celebration of the first blood moon in hundreds of years so of course Jieun heard word of it from her kids TV show and began begging me to take her.

I didn't have a problem with it at first because well, it would just be the two of us watching from my rooftop but she then proposed the idea of driving to the small town just an hour away to join humans in their little celebration

It wasn't that I wanted to deprive her from interaction with others, I was simply afraid she would be too overwhelmed with humans around her. I mean the only humans she's been around are the one she's killed and we all know how that ended.

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