Chapter 1: Meet Harry Potter

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"Come on kids!! Its time to get to on the train!! Give mother hugs." I watch as she hugs the life out my brother's while i hug my father tightly. "It'll be ok Lyra. Your brothers are with you and you will meet a bunch of new friends." i look to meet his gaze and smile softly. "Of course daddy. I love you." i reach up and kiss his cheek as mother calls for me.

If anyone were to ask i am a daddies girl from hell. My father is my entire world. I hug my mother tightly. "Now no pranking with your brother's be a good and proper girl. And don't cry you'll see us during your break." i nod and turn to my twin brother Ron.

He curls his arm around my shoulder and we get on the train together. After the twins take off we look for a compartment. We come onto one with a boy in it. as we walk in i notice he has dark brown hair and brown eyes but he's wearing round rimmed glasses.

"Do you mind? Everywhere else is full." i watch the boy smile at my brother and motion us in. "Not at all." as me and brother sit across from him. My brother introduces us. "My name is Ron. Ron Weasley." I smile softly at him. "My name is Lyra. Lyra Weasley." He smiles. "I'm Harry. Harry potter."

My eyes widen and my brother stutters. "Is-is this s-some type of-of joke? I mean do you really have the." He points to his head. "The scar." Harry smiles and moves his hair out of his face. "Oh yeah. See." I cant help but reach put and touch it. "Wicked." my brother sputters out.

"Would you like anything from the trolly?" my brother shakes his head as i settle back beside him. "I'm all good." He smiles sadly at the lady holding up the snack our mother gives us. Harry pulls his hand out of his pocket full of coins. "We'll take the lot." i can't help but smile at him as my brother sputters again.

I watch ron explain the candy to him and as he tells him about his wizard cards. I laugh at harry expression about his Dumbledore card. "I learned a spell to turn him yellow, Do you wanna see?" i jerk my head back to my brother to see him holding his wand on scabber's. "I don't think thats a good idea ron." He just waves me off.

Right as he starts a girl with bushy brown hair comes in. "Have any of you seen a toad?" we shake our head no. "Oh! are you doing magic. Well lets see it then." This girl is a little weird if you ask me. I watch my brother fail and i just shake my head the girl sits by me and points her wand at harry. "Oculus Reparo" Harry's once broken glasses fixed themselves.

"There you are much better right." I smile at her. "Oh my god your harry potter. I'm Hermione granger." She turns to my brother. "And you are." My brother with a mouth full of chocolate "Ron. Ron Weasley." She huffs slightly. "Pleasure. and you." i look at her from the corner of my eye.

"I'm his twin sister. Lyra. Lyra Weasley." she smiles softly. "Nice to meet you then. And you might want to change into your robes will be upon the school soon." With that she leaves. "Oh and you have a little dirt here." she shows ron and walks away like a miss priss.

"She's a little bit of a show off. Eh?" i look at and shake my head.


As we wait out side the great hall i hear someone whisper something. "So it's true then. Harry potter has come to hogwarts." I look to see a boy with slicked back blonde hair. He motions to the boys next to him. "Crabbe. Goyle. And i'm malfoy." he walks in front if us. "I'm Draco Malfoy." My brother laughs while i smirk. His head turns to us.

"I dont have to ask you name's. Red hair, Freckles, and hammy downs. Your weasleys." Ron glares at him while i scoff. Malfoy turns towards harry. "Soon you'll find out some Wizarding families are better than others potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong ones. I can help you there."

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