Chapter 6: Revenge On Malfoy

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I giggle at hermione as i come down to the dinning hall. "You'll see. But i know that he'll be me more careful about what he does from now on." She throws her head back and laughs. I can't help but laugh as her bushy mane of hair gets in the way. "Your hair is so bushy!!" She rolls her eyes "and your such a ginger!!" i snicker and nod my head.

"Touché. Touché Grasshopper."

I hear everyone whispering and giggling pointing at slytherin table. I look to see Malfoy holding at on his head tightly. But you can see pieces of red and a golden blond poking out. "Wingardium Leviosa" his hat is quickly pulled off and out flops red and 'gold' hair.

Everyone starts laughing and pointing. While gryffindors are cheering. "Go Malfoy!!!"

"I knew you were a true Gryffindor!!",

"Hey Malfoy!" he looks up at me. And i wink. "I'm diggin the new hairdo!!" he growls and jumps out of his seat. He points at me and growls. "You stupid weasleys and your pranks. Your gonna pay!! I'm telling my father!!!" i throw my head back and laugh. "Haha!!! As much as i would love to take credit. I didn't do this one."

He growls and stalks out of the hall, with his posse falling behind. After everything is calmed down and dinner is done we all head to the common room. I'm scooped onto the twins shoulders laughing. "You did good, Little Witch." I laugh and shake my head. "But i didn't do it."

They roll their eyes. They know i did it. I know i did it. Everyone knows i did it. But no one can prove it. I smirk at hermione who is shaking her head and giggling. I see ron and harry sitting next to her talking. I smile softly. It's about time.

I shake my head and tell the twins i'm going to the library. As i head out. I hear a faint cry of pain. I walk forward only to see a couple of slytherin ganging up on some guy i cant see at the moment. "Hey!! Get the hell away from him." They see me and run. "Yeah you better run!! and expect retaliation you numb nuts!!!" I turn to see neville.

"Oh god!!! Neville!!!" i go to my knees beside him and help him sit up. "What were they doing hitting you for? Why were they beating you bloody?" He looks at me with a sad face. "I-i di-didn't get th-their ho-home w-work done on t-time." I sigh and pull him up.

Wrapping his arm around me shoulder and wrapping my arm around his waist. "Lets get you to the infirmary dork." he try's to smile. But groans in pain. I growl to myself, "we'll get back at those snakes. I promise." He just shakes his head and stays quiet. He knows there is no way to stop a me once we set on getting revenge.

"Madam Pomfrey!!!" The nurse rushes out and gasps. "Oh my merlin!! Lay him down over here!!" As she patches him up she's throwing questions left and right. "Who did this? Why would they do this?" neville looks to me to answer her.

"It was three slytherins. I got there in tome to stop them from killing him, but i didn't get there in enough time to... to stop them from doing this to him." I growl out the last part and look away. "Do you know why they would do this?" this time i look at neville.

He sighs and drops his head, then looks at me. "Don't get mad, and go looking for trouble." I look at him weirdly but nod. He sighs and starts telling us...

.::..::..::..::.Flashback.::..::..::.Neville's POV.::..::..::.

I walked toward the library by myself when three guys from slytherin corned me in an empty alcove.

"Well lookie what we got. A little lion out of its den all alone." I take a step back. And every step i take back they take forward. "We've noticed that the little weasley girl has a soft spot for you. And we know that if were to hurt you it'd hurt her." I look shocked. A soft spot?

"W-why n-not go af-after her bro-brother's? She c-care's for th-them m-more." I stutter out. They laugh and slam two of then grab me arms so i wont move. I struggle a bit but there to strong. "Because then the WHOLE weasley clan will come after us. But with just you...." he smirks at me. "Only she'll come to your rescue. Now stay still and let us beat you up." There goes the first hit. I try to curl up bur i can't hit after hit. My face. My stomach. My legs. Chest. My entire body.

Then i hear the most wonderful sound...

"Hey!! Get the hell away from him." I drop to the floor and groan in pain. "Yeah you better run!! and expect retaliation you numb nuts!!!" I can't help but snicker at that. My little weasley would say that. Wait. My. No that won't ever happen. Right?

"Oh god!!! Neville!!!" She kneels beside me and helps me up. I cant help but sigh. She's so beautiful."What were they doing hitting you for? Why were they beating you bloody?" I have to lie. I can't have her hurt herself because of me. "I-i di-didn't get th-their ho-home w-work done on t-time...

.::..::..::.End Flashback.::..::..::.. Lyra's POV.::..::..::.

I sit there clawing the chair. Madam pomfrey rushed out of the room to tell Dumbledore. I'm trying not to get up and barge into the slytherin common room and curse every last one of them. Soon all i see is red. I jump up but someone catches me around the waist. "You told me you wouldn't go looking for trouble." I turn and hug him. "Yeah. I know. But i'm not. I promise I wont get into trouble."

He shakes his head at me. "Now get back into bed. I'll stay while she finishes fixing you up then we're going back to the common room. Where i have some planning to do." He shakes his head but smiles softly.

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