Episode 2: The Job of a High School Host! Part 1

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(Kazumi's POV)

I woke up still in my Hatsune Miku outfit. Oh well better fix my hair and change my outfit. 

I decided to wear a long sleeved black half shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, black heeled boots, and 2 gold danglie bracelets on each wrist. I took out my phone and saw that I had a text, from Kyoya. I quickly checked it and apparently I just got it a minute ago. It said, 'I'm waiting in my limo out front.' I looked out my bedroom window and sure enough there it was.

Okay, off the topic of Kyoya what's today? Oh this is the dance party episode. Great Kanako comes in. That girl kinda annoys me. I ran downstairs and got into the limo with Kyoya. I wanted to say something about yesterday but I was afraid to. He eventually said something, but not about the kiss on the cheek, about a dance party. "Kazumi- chan? Do you know how to ballroom dance?"

I shook my head blushing a little, "Unfortunately. We don't do ballroom dancing in America. At least not usually."

"I see. I guess that mean's you'll have to learn how to then." Kyoya responded.

"Hold on. I'm not really going to be dancing with anyone though. Its not like I can dance with the girls-" I was about to continue babbling when I was stopped by Kyoya lifting my chin to look at him.

"I'll save a dance just for you, Kazumi." He said.

I blushed furiously. We arrived at school and went to class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to club hours~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the club going through some paper work Kyoya gave me when Haruhi walked in obviously late. 

"What's this? Where am I?" Haruhi asked.

"Welcome." The host's said.

"You finally made it, Haruhi. You're so late." The twins said in unison. 

I rolled my eyes. "Haruhi. Please try not to be late again. Kyoya and I might raise your debt for that. But I think we'll let it slide this time. Right Kyoya?"

He nodded as Haruhi said, "Yeah yeah yeah. I could be wrong, but my calender says its still early spring."

Tamaki jumped in saying, "Huddling uner a kotatsu table, fearing the cold, is nonsense. And besides the heating system we have is the best."

At that point I drowned everything out until I heard, "Excuse me. I hate to distub, but I think it's time for the hosts to switch clients."

Oh great heres Kanako.

"Oh I'm sorry. You must be my next appointment. Miss?"

"My names Kanako. Kanako Kaskusaki." She lifted Haruhi's chin and continued, "You're even cuter than I expected. I've decided, from now on you're going to be my new favorite host, Haruhi." 

Tamaki freaked out in the background while I finished my work and began to draw another picture of Kyoya.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Host Club hours~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tamaki was eating ramen as all of us started to make the plans for the party. I pretty much drowned them out with my music and trying to decide some of the decorations for the party. Lets see the ends of the table with the food should have white roses then red roses by the entance, purple roses by the balcony doors, blue roses on the balcony, and orange roses inside. Now time for food, of course fancy tuna for Haruhi and chocolate for me and other people. I guess Kyoya can decide the rest. Suddenly the twins tapped my shoulders and pointed to a blown up picture of me. I stood up so fast my chair fell. I glared at Tamaki, "Tamaki! Don't go blowing up people's photo's without thier permission!" Then I ran over to him and wacked his head. He went into his sulking corner and the other hosts were backing away because my black aurora was swirling. I turned around and handed what I had completed so far to Kyoya. Just then Hunni- senpai came up to me and I smiled. I dug around in my back for something and I pulled out a blue bunny. I held the bunny out to him and he took it smiling widely. "What's his name, Kazu-chan?"

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