As Long As You Love Me

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I looked at myself in the mirror.

God I look awful...

I had black bags under my eyes, which were red and swollen from the endless crying I did during the night. My bottom lip was chapped from the numerous times I had bitten it.

I start biting my lip whenever I feel sad or nervous, which is, like, all the freaking time.

Oh, I guess I should introduce myself: I'm Matthew Lee Espinosa, but you can call me Matt if you want to. All my friends do. Granted, I have only one, Oliver, but he's really nice. Kinda the only person that likes me.

I splashed some water in my face so I would wake up a bit more.

"Matt, sweetie, you have to hurry! You're leaving in an hour and you haven't even packed yet!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'll hurry up!" I yelled back, taking one last disgusted look at myself, before going back to my room and starting to pack my suitcase.

Today I was starting this new event called Meet and Greet Convention, or Magcon, for short. The nine most popular Viners were invited to become part of it. I was one of them, even though I don't really consider myself that funny or good-looking.

Of course I had done my research on the other eight boys (which basically included me stalking them on every form of social media I could think of). They were all so funny and good-looking! They all succeeded in making me laugh at their Vines, which really said something, as the only people that could make me laugh these days were Oliver and my family (minus my dad).

The one that stood out most, however, was the Snap-Back-wearing Carter Reynolds.

His Vines were hilarious, especially those with his mother in the car, and he was so hot. He also had a really nice voice. One that made me feel comfortable and safe.

I think I have a new celeb-crush... Sorry Justin...

"Matty, you really got to leave now. You'll miss your plane," my mom said, entering my room. I was just going through comments on my latest Instagram picture (a selfie), biting my lip and trying very hard to hold back tears whenever I came across a hateful comment.

My mom, who was familiar with my lip-biting, knew something was up. "Matt, baby, what's wrong?"

I quickly locked my phone. "Nothing," I smoothly lied. She didn't have to worry about me.

My mom didn't believe me, but decided not to push me into telling her. Instead, she smiled and said: "It's time. Dad'll bring you to the airport."

She reached out and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'll miss you, sweetie... You know you can always call, right?"

"I know, I'll miss you too." I wasn't lying. I really loved my mom. I don't know what I would do without her.

After two "I love you"s, we went downstairs, put my suitcase in the car and my dad and I drove to the airport.

He helped me get my suitcase out and looked at me. I looked back awkwardly.

"Well, break a leg. Call your mother when you land. She'll like that. Goodbye," he said, before stepping back into his car and driving off.

My dad and I kinda grew apart after I came out to my family for being gay. It's not that he hated me (I hope), but he just didn't fully agree with my preferences.

I walked around the airport for a while, taking a picture of a plane and posting it on Instagram. The only reason I posted it, was because my few fans (that actually liked me), left nice comments on my pictures. Most of the comments would be hateful ones, though...

My flight and ride to the hotel were filled by me listening music and looking at passing people.

Before I knew it I stood in front of the hotel. I didn't want to enter, though.

What if they don't like me?

What if I'm not good enough?

The usual doubt started to fill my head and I started chewing my bottom lip again.

Snap out of it, Matt! Just go in and see what happens! You won't find out by standing here!

And so I entered the hotel, getting more nervous by the step...


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what did you think of it? :3 This is a Catthew fic bc I recently started shipping this even more than Cash (which is saying something). I hope y'all like it!



Do all that shit and I'll give you a cookie :3


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