Reincarnation and reunification

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Lan Xi Chen flew as fast as he could without dropping his very important passenger, the unconscious Lan Wangji, on the short trip from mo village to the cloud recesses and medicinal expert Lan Qiren. Sizhui rode with the stranger Mo Xuan Yu, that made him realise the severity of the situation, Mo Xuan Yu was a reincarnation of Wei Wu Xian. The very man who made his brother like he was currently living, but remained blissfully unaware since his revival in Mo Xuanyu's body.

Wangji had gone into a fully comatose state by the time Sizhui, Jingyi and Lan Xi Chen had reached the cloud recesses, so Lan Qiren just told him to leave a junior to watch him after putting him in bed comfortably. The protective older brother in Lan Xi Chen had bigger issues to talk about, like the troublesome appearance of Wei Wu Xian's reincarnation out of nowhere and how he had affected their second jade for the second time. It worried him if Lan Zhan would ever return to himself as the hmming senior of Gusu Lan, the little brother he always wanted to protect from the harshness of the world. If Wei Wu Xian made him the happiest man in Gusu, then at least they deserved a smooth road, but love had been cruel to Wangji and himself, starting from their own mother and Father's crooked relationship and the realisation love was never wholly good.

When he finally pulled Wei Wu Xian to his brothers private quaters, it was a long walk from the entry hall, Xi Chen didn't know if he could control himself enough to not punch the smiling dumbass there and then. "Wei Wu Xian, is it good to be back in Gusu? You got a lot of memories here with my brother, Lan Wangji, oh poor Wangji. Did you also remember how you broke him, leaving him with the words that he didn't matter to you any more?", he drawled mockingly, stroking his Xiao Shaoyue as Jiang Cheng caressed Zidian before it became a sizzling hot whip. Wei Wu Xian frowned, glancing questionably at Lan Xi Chen, "Broken? He's Lan Zhan, he has no emotions and he loves the Gusu Lan rules more than human contact, he is too dense to breaks.", he joked.

The smile on his face melted very quickly as the eldest jades face grew stormy, "Wangji's heart broke when you left Wei Wu Xian. First he overworked himself until he got a near lethal fever,  then we confined him to the Jingshi for his health, that was when his physical body broke, but I hadn't seen the worst." Wei Wu Xian looked pale, but Lan Xi Chen continued nevertheless, "My little brother was driven to insanity, playing inquiry trying to find you every second of the day, because you left him on such a note, and uncle Qiren locked all his memories away just to save him. I lost the true Wangji then, the perfect little brother with caring and righteous morals, to live with an emotionless robot for the last ten years. Sizhui had to come to grips with the new Wangji the most, the man who bought him toys in his earliest memories, didn't and still doesn't recognise him as a son.", he finished, visibly out of breath.

The young man sitting opposite was shocked, and Lan Xi Chen hoped that meant he was thinking deeply about all the innocent people who had been hurt by him, especially once more comatose Wangji. "Bro Xi Chen, I know I've been horrible to Wangji before, but, can I see him? I had been so set on revenge in my past life, my eyes were blind to the devotion Lan Zhan gave me despite my misdeeds, when he defended me from clan leader Jin and clan leader Nie, it seemed a small favour. Now all I want is to fix my mistakes as much as possible, including healing A-Zhan's shattered heart, and live peacefully, just give me a chance.", the new Wei Wu Xian pleaded. Sizhui peeked around the open panel, his adorable eyes widened at the man who was the spitting image of his kind Papa Wu Xian, the man Baba Wangji had shown him paintings of as a child, when he had finally washed the weird lunatic make up off.

"Sizhui? If you don't remember me, I found you and you lived at Yiling with me, Wangji shixiong came to visit us often.", he choked out, finding it difficult to select the right words to tell A-Yuan his past.The smaller disciple began to cry, and ran into familiar arms, "Papa WuXian, you came back! A long time ago Baba Zhan told me about how you cared for me and showed some nice paintings of you, before he disappeared and forgot he adopted me as his son. He missed you very much, until great uncle mended him again." Wei Wu Xian patted Sizhui gently, and Lan Xi Chen's heart warmed at their emotional reunification, maybe there was some hope for the future of WangXian and their small family. He let his grudge go with a strong hint of reluctance, and went to get Wangji from the gusu doctors, after they were sure he was stable enough to move to his private room.

On the short walk from the medicinal bay, Wangji stirred temporarily from his comatose state, and suddenly, hugged his brother tightly. Lan Xi Chen was confused, he hadn't done this since their mother died and small Lan Zhan refused to accept she wasn't in the cloud recesses anymore so he kneeled outside her room waiting every waking hour without eating or resting, eventually collapsing with fever and hunger, but it was adorable, so what the hell to being affectionate for a moment. Wei Wu Xian and Sizhui had fluffed the pillows, waiting for Xi Chen to lay Wangji with watery eyes and hands tightly clasped around the the thick comforter, "Why is dadda Wangji not waking up, he never sleeps past 5 until 9?", the disciple whispered somewhat anxiously. Sizhui couldn't help it, but he was making everyone else more worried asking questions, if his brother, Wei Wu Xian's apparent lover, and Sizhui's father didn't wake up.

Uncle Qiren stopped by the Jingshi with the famous doctor Qin Zheng, to diagnose Wangji's condition as a favour to Qiren and Xi Chen for getting him out of trouble one time as a guest disciple in their younger days. The man took all kinds of observations, and after a long time, also after the two  visitors had nails bitten down to nothing, he declared a diagnosis, only then did Sizhui stop absent mindedly chewing his forehead ribbon that had settled over his shoulder. "Lan Zhan is getting his memories back, but the shock was so much he needs time to remember the memories that were sealed nearly a decade ago, just take care of the physical body and the mind will follow as I say in these cases. Call me when he wakes up Ren-er, keep talking to him little Ying and things will speed along.", Qin Zheng remarked. Wei Wu Xian felt confused but relieved, "Is there nothing we can do?", he asked.

The man turned around, smiling at Wei WuXian cuddling Sizhui, "All illnesses start with the heart, if you can heal a man's wounded heart, his body and mind will follow in time. Heal Zhan-er's wounds within the heart and his mind will heal soon after that." Sizhui blinked, deeply confused at the seemingly philosophical statement of the wise doctor Qin Zheng, but just turned back to the sleeping Wangji, resting his head on his father's arm. Lan Xi Chen patted his nephew on the arm, "Dadda Wangji will get better, he just needs Papa Xian and you to give him lots of love. Okay Yuan-er?", he said calmly.

Lan Qiren popped in to come across the most heat warning sight, Wei Wu Xian sleeping on Wangji's arm, holding Sizhui closely, whilst Lan Xi Chen found a blanket big enough for all of them to be warm under. All were finally at peace in the cloud recesses, as it should be.

Memories lost and memories found: Lan Wangji and Wei Wu XianWhere stories live. Discover now