Dan,Phil, Frank and Gerard. PART 1 >_<

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Hey so this is based off a dream I had a few nights ago! Hope you enjoy! Btw sorry for any spelling mistakes! It's long so get comfy! PS - Y/N = YOUR NAME         1125 words guys... 

You, Gerard Way and Frank Iero had been best friends for many years and meet up almost everyday.

'Hey Y/N, wanna come and stay at mine for a few nights with Gee?' Frank asked. 'Um yeah that would be cool. Just gonna grab my stuff from home. Mind waiting outside?' Frank and Gerard nodded. I ran upstairs and grabbed everything that you thought you would need. Underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, spare clothes, phone, chargers, laptop and a few snacks. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door. 'How much stuff do you need? You took like 30mins!' Gerard and Frank chuckled. I playfully punched them and walked to Franks house. As I arrived there I  looked at my phone.

NEW MESSAGE FROM DAN: Hey Y/N, wanna meet me and phil tomorrow at 1 o'clock at starbucks?

'Hey Dan, is it okay if my two bestfriends, Frank Iero and Gerard Way come aswell? ya know? The ones from My Chemical Romance.'


I giggled to myself as I knew Dan and Phil would be 'Fangirling.'   'What are you laughing at?' Frank and Gerard said in synchronisation. They looked at eachother and laughed. 'Um is it okay if we meet my two friends who are youtubers named Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil tomorrow at 1PM at starbucks?' I said, trying to get my words out. 'Sure, I'm pretty sure I follow Dan on twitter...' Gerard said as he thought about it.

I rumaged through my bag looking for my pyjamas. 'Oh no..'  I said loud enough for Frank to hear, as Gerard was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Frank turned around and stared at me. 'Um Frank....'  'Yes?' He replied with a concerned tone. 'Would I be able to borrow some pyjamas please? I must have left them at home.' I asked. 'Of course!' He threw a black pyjama top with pikachu on it and some black pants. 'Thanks.' Frank gave a small grin. 'Oh errr... I'll turn around while you get dressed.' Frank said panicking. As I stood there with no top on Gerard came in. 'GERARD TURN AROUND!'  I shouted  giggling whilst trying to cover my body with my top. 'Sorry!!' He shouted as he ran out of the room. I quickly got my top on. 'Frank, you can turn around now.. GERARD YOU CAN COME IN NOW!' 

We watched a few horror films in the dark, such as Haunting in conneticut, ChainLetter and sinister. I was sitting on the floor whilst Gerard and Frank sat on the sofa. When a scary bit came on I jumped up on the couch and ended up sitting on one of Franks legs and one of Gerards. We all laughed. I stayed there throughout the whole film. 'I'm glad thats over!' I sighed with relief. 'Ugh me too, my leg has gone dead!' Frank giggled. I stood there with my hands on my hips. 'Excusseee mee! For your information you're heavier than me!'  We all raced up the stairs.

'Frank..... Where are we all going to sleep?' Gerard asked him. 'I never really thought about that... how about I go on one side of the bed, Y/N goes in the middle and you go on the other side. If thats okay with you two...' 'Thats fine by me!' Gerard said as he jumped in the bed. He patted the middle of the bed. 'I guess I'll have too. I don't want to sleep by myself after them films!' I shuddered at the thought of the films. 'You're so cold Y/N. Frank have you got an extra blanket for Y/N?' He didn't answer. 'Frank....?' I said with slight worry. After repeatedly saying his name Gerard decided to push him out of the bed. I turned to face him. 'Wait Gerard, what if he... died?' You gulped.  'Don't be stupid Y/N of course hes not dead!' 

As you said this, Frank rose up from the floor where he was lying and grabbed your leg. I screamed whilst Gerard's face went red from laughter. 'Frank you stupid idiot!' I said with slight anger in my voice. Frank somehow managed to stop laughing. 'I'm sorry! Will you forgive me?' He said as he gave you 'the eyes.' 'Only if you let me go to sleep now. I'm about to fall asleep!' 'Okay, Okay, goodnight!' Frank said with a grin spread across his face. I kissed both of them on the cheek then instantly fell asleep. 

In the morning I was the first to wake up. So you decided to wake the other 2 aswell. 'Ughh what time is it?' Gerard said in his deep morning voice. '11:30' I replied. 'Don't we need to be somewhere today?' Frank said as he dived up. 'Oh yeah! We're meeting Dan&Phil!'  I said as you jumped out of the bed. Gerard and Frank followed. I searched through my bag for your favourite dress. I went to the bathroom to get changed, Brushed my teeth and put my makeup on. I walked back into the bedroom and picked up my phone. 'Ready to go meet Dan&Phil?'  I asked the 2 boys. They looked nervous in a way.

As I walked out the door I looked at your phone to check the time. 12:45. 'We better hurry! We've  got 15 minutes to get there and Dan&Phil always get to places 5 minutes before!' We ran through the streets as if we were 5 year olds.  As we arrived at starbucks Dan and Phil were already there. 'Ahh so you must be Dan and Phil?' Gerard asked them as he shook their hands. 'Y-yeah and you're G-g-gerard w-way and F-f-frank I-iero.' Dan stuttered as Phil looked shocked. 'Yeah we are! Nice to meet you.' Frank replied. 'Um is it okay if we take a picture with you two? I mean you don't-' 'Sure!' Gerard replied. As they took the picture I stood their smiling at the four idiots. 'Y/N wanna join in?' Phil asked. 'Sure!' I replied. I took about 12 pictures before we actually went inside. I ordered a cookie crumble mocha whilst Gerard obviously bought an ordinary coffee but I didn't pay attention to what anybody else bought. 

We all sat down and drank awkwardly. It was all silent for 5 mins before Frank spoke up, 'So err... how long have you two been together?' I choked on my drink and glared at Frank. He looked back and mouthed 'Sorryy....'  I looked over at Dan&Phil and they were starring at eachother, blushing. They both started whispering to one another before Dan spoke up, 'Well um, we haven't actually told anyone yet but-'  Dan scratched the back of his neck and looked at Phil. Phil carried on the sentence, 'We have been dating since our video called "Philisnotonfire" We don't want anyone else finding out... please... don't tell anyone!' 'I KNEW IT!' I shouted at the shop went silent. I ducked down so no one knew it was me. 'Sorry 'bout that...' I whispered. 'We won't tell anyone don't worry!' Gerard said. 'You're secret is safe with me!' Frank smiled. 'I won't i've only got you 4 so I can't really tell anyone.' We finished our drinks and headed to the door.

Yeah so that was my first proper fic. Hope you enjoyed it! Tell me if I should carry on writing this <3 Oh and before I forget, comment below what you thought of it I'd love to see! If you liked it you could recommend it to your friends or something? I dunno. <3

Hannah Out


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