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Cheryl has to do the initiation dance to be able to get into the Serpents.

Everybody had to do the initiation to be able to get into the Serpents, it was practically law. The men had to go through a brutal beating, get bitten by a snake, memorize the Serpent laws and the women had to do a simple pole dance in front of many other Serpents.

Cheryl had wanted to officially join the Serpents for a while now. The Serpents had been there for her when she had no one left, other than her girlfriend Toni, who too was in the Serpents.

Many would say that Cheryl was doing this for Toni, however, Cheryl was doing this to benefit for herself. The Serpents have been there for Cheryl during her worst moments, they are like a family to her, that's why she's joining them. Although some part of her is joining for her girlfriend too.

The surprising fact is Toni doesn't even know that Cheryl is joining the Serpents, that's something that frightens Cheryl since she knows Toni wouldn't be fond of her girlfriend dancing sexually in front of old horny men, but nothing is going to stop Cheryl from joining the Southside Serpents.

Cheryl and Sweetpea had met up to discuss Cheryl's joining of the Serpents. Cheryl had kindly asked him to help her pick out an outfit to wear to the initiation, however, she was now slightly regretting her choice of companionship.

"Why don't you just get this one!" Sweetpea shouted, tired of waiting for Cheryl to pick an outfit to wear to the dance. Cheryl looked over to Sweetpeas outstretched finger which was pointing at a velvety red set of lingerie.

"No Sweetpea, I've already said I want it to be red. It needs to match my personality, hot and fiery." Cheryl replied, moving her eyes back to the various shelves of clothing.

"I don't get why you girls have to take a long time to pick out the simplest things, such as a set of lingerie to wear to a quick dance," Sweetpea said, moving away from the set of lingerie he was previously pointing at.

"Reason number one, because we care about how we look. Reason number two, because I'm not wasting money on something that looks like that," Cheryl said, looking at the velvet lingerie set that Sweetpea was suggesting to Cheryl earlier on, "and reason number 3, Toni will be watching me dance and I need to look at least semi-decent." She continued.

"Yeah okay, whatever," Sweetpea replied, a sigh slipping from his mouth. He followed after Cheryl as she walked up the aisle, looking left and right at the multiple sets of women's undergarments.

Suddenly Cheryl came to a sharp stop, startling Sweetpea as he wasn't really paying attention to the ginger-haired girl in the first place.

"This looks perfect," Cheryl stated as she held up a red lace bra with a matching set of red thigh-highs. Sweetpea looked at the clothing Cheryl was holding and swiftly nodded his head agreeing silently, eager to leave the store and start the initiation.

Before he knew it, Cheryl was dragging him by his arm towards the checkout, holding his arm in one hand and the lingerie in the other, Cheryl raced past all of the people in the line.

Within seconds Cheryl was at the front of the queue with Sweetpea, whose arm was still gripped tightly in her hand, and paid for the clothes.


After a long drive from the lingerie store to the Whyte Wyrm, the pair had finally arrived. Cheryl and Sweetpea stepped out of the red-heads car which was conveniently parked outside of the bar. The car stuck out due to its vibrant colour and the fact that it was the only car in the area, the bar was surrounded by bikes which were obviously owned by the Serpents.

Sweetpea snuck Cheryl through to the back of the building so that Cheryl could change into her new set of lingerie, after Cheryl had changed, the two headed into the main part of the building and Sweetpea went up on stage.

"Serpents! I have an announcement to make!" Sweetpea shouted. However nobody payed any attention to him, they were all too caught up in whatever they were doing to notice Sweetpeas voice over the loud music and constant roars coming from the serpents gathered around the pool table.

"I said, I have an announcement to make!" Sweetpea shouted much louder, almost gathering everybody's attention within the time span of a couple of seconds. "Thank you," Sweetpea proceeded. "So, today we have a new initiation dance!" Sweetpea shouted, receiving loud roars in return "So without further ado, let me welcome Cheryl Blossom to the stage!"

Cheryl strutted out onto the stage, smiling at Sweetpea briefly as a way to thank him for his help. Sweetpea walked off of the stage and joined the surrounding Serpents.

Once Cheryl was on the stage she caught Toni's eyes. Toni was currently working a shift behind the bar, serving several Serpents alcoholic beverages, but now that she had heard her girlfriends name and the word 'initiation' in the same sentence, she had stopped what she was doing.

Cheryl kept her posture and winked at her girlfriend, who now had her arms crossed and her teeth biting her bottom lip. Cheryl noticed Toni's expression and smirked.

Suddenly, 'Mad World' by Gary Jules began playing on the speakers surrounding the interior of the bar and Cheryl began moving her hips to the song, making her way towards the pole that stood in the middle of the stage.

As Cheryl danced, her eyes never left Toni's. Toni's bottom lip was still trapped in between her teeth and her arms were still crossed, her eyes roamed over Cheryl's body as she sensually danced around the pole. Cheryl smirked and continued dancing, she knew what she was doing to Toni and she loved every second of it.

Once the dance had finished Toni walked over to Cheryl and pulled her off stage, almost resulting in Cheryl face-planting but luckily Toni had caught her before she fell.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Toni shouted in a hushed voice. It was barely audible due to the load shouting that was surrounding the bar, as soon as Cheryl had gotten off of the stage the roaring and loud shouting had erupted again.

"What do you think I'm doing TT?" Cheryl smirked, receiving an eye roll from Toni in return. Before she could comprehend what was happening Toni was dragging her to the back of the building where Cheryl had been previously. The red-head looked back in an attempt to find Sweetpea, once she had caught his attention he winked at Cheryl and turned back to what he was doing.

"Toni where are we going?" Cheryl asked, slightly nervous as to where her pink-haired girlfriend was dragging her to. Suddenly, Cheryl was pulled into a room and shoved up against the now closed door.

"Just shut up and let me kiss you," Toni said, smashing her lips against her girlfriends, Cheryl moaned at the sudden contact and reciprocated the kiss immediately.

Cheryl pulled away.

"Do you know how long it took for me and Sweetpea to find these clothes?" Cheryl questioned rhetorically, smiling at the shorter girl. Toni shook her head and leaned in again, but Cheryl had pressed her index finger to her girlfriend's lips, stopping her from kissing the red-head.

"For fucksake Cheryl, you look so hot right now. Please just let me fuck you." Toni groaned.

"I'm guessing my dance was good then huh?" Cheryl smiled suggestively, chuckling at her sexually frustrated girlfriend.

"Yes I fucking enjoyed it! Probably too much..." Toni said, hushing her voice near the end of the sentence.

"Well anyways, I guess i have to go finish my initiation, see ya Cha-Cha," Cheryl said, winking at Toni before she left the room.

Toni stood in the pitch black room, alone, sexually frustrated and turned on. "For fucksake." She groaned, opening the door and leaving the room.

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