Convin - Sleep

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/Third person/
11:30 pm; time to leave. Unlike the other officers, Connor was ordered to stay in the station until the next day, while Gavin and everyone else had to go to their homes and families. Most of them had someone at home, whether it was a child, a spouse, or just a pet, but Gavin didn't have anyone. The only things that visited him were stray cats looking for a feed. Even Hank had more company.
"Night, Connor."
"Good night, lieutenant. The rain had made the roads 24% more unsafe than usual, so be careful on the drive home."
"Will do."
The gruff, grey-haired officer left the building, giving Gavin a dirty look on his way out. After he repeatedly insulted and abused Connor, he refused to be kind to him. In Hank's eyes, he didn't deserve his respect. Now that he'd left, Gavin was the only human remaining in the office. Connor just stood, staring into nothing. There wasn't much to do when there was no one around to give orders.
"What're you looking at?" He sauntered up to the android, arms crossed.
"The ground." His gaze broke from the floor, meeting Gavin's eyes. "Shouldn't you be going home now?" As they spoke, it had begun to pelt down with rain outside again, making it harder for Gavin to get home. Usually, he'd take the bus, but the bus stop was quite far from the building. If he wanted to get there, he'd have to walk in the pouring rain, and he didn't have an umbrella.
"I don't think it's safe for you to go out into the rain, detective. There's a chance that you could get hit by lightning, or catch a cold."
"Oh, yeah?" The brunette scoffed. "How likely is it that I'll get struck by lightning, huh?"
"There's approximately a 14% chance. Low, but still possible. I wouldn't go out there if I was you."
Thunder cracked in the distance, making Gavin jump. He quickly shook it off, still trying to look tough despite there being no humans around to impress.
"Well, what am I supposed to do then? Sleep here?"
"Yes. There's a break room down the hall, is there not?" Connor raised a brow. "I'm sure that Captain Fowler wouldn't mind if he knew how unsafe it would be for you to go outside."
Gavin snorted, taking a step closer to him, getting up in his face.
"Humans aren't as delicate as you think we are, plastic. I'm not some pretty little pansy that you need to protect." He took a fistful of the fabric on Connor's shirt, pulling him closer before shoving him back. The force itself wasn't much, but the surprise made him stumble and fall onto the ground. Gavin stared down at him, finally feeling superior. Throughout his entire career, he'd been the underdog, never taken seriously. His coworkers had constantly made fun of him and his abilities. In spite of their taunts, he was just as intelligent as his brother. Elijah Kamski. The two had different seconds names due to their parents' divorce; Gavin took his mother's name and Eli took his father's. Well, they didn't really choose. Their mother decided to keep Gavin, get remarried and change his surname while Eli was taken by their father and kept his. After seeing how much more successful his brother was, Gavin lost touch with Elijah and hated being associated with him out of spite. The only thing that he despised more was the reason for his fame; androids. If it weren't for them, they would be equal. They wouldn't have to live worlds apart, and, just maybe, they could connect with each other. Part of Gavin's heart longed to have family again.

"Detective Reed, I'm only looking out for you. It's already 12:28 am, so you might as well just stay here. My jacket's fabric is designed to keep humans warm in case of emergency, and there are blankets for criminals in the holding cell." Connor slowly got up, and, surprisingly, Gavin let him. With clenched fists, Gavin whipped around and marched off to the break
room. He didn't want to be ordered around by an android, but he was exhausted. Spending all of his nights wide awake, working on cases, had taken a toll on him, contributing to his sour attitude on most days. Connor followed close behind him like a shadow, taking off his jacket as he walked. His footsteps made Gavin turn back around.
"If I'm going to sleep here, you're not allowed to, like, watch me or anything... Go work on some cases.." He gave him a jab in the chest with his index finger, waving him away. For some reason, something inside of the android made him want to stay with the resentful detective. A notion that told him that he needed him to be there.
"Detective, it would be unwise of me to leave you on your own at this Our of the night. You know what There streets are like; if someone sees you through a crack in the curtain, they might try to-" He was cut off by Gavin's fist smashing into his jaw.
"Shut your mouth, tin can! I'm not weak!" Sapphire blood painted his knuckles as Connor's artificial skin split, yet he didn't retaliate. Instead, he calmed grabbed Gavin's wrists and held them tight with his superhuman grip. Like a child being put in timeout, Gavin desperately tried to break free from his grasp, but he was no match for Connor's strength. "Let me go! I already know how much better you are, you don't have to show me! I already know that I'm useless compared to you and your stupid powers!" Years of rage spilt into the still air from his mouth, and down his cheeks from eyes as he pounded on Connor's hard, metal chest, stamping it with blue.
"Detective.. Please, stop.."
"No! You androids have always been better than me, just let me be the stronger one for once!" Connor decided that the best way to calm him down was to just let him beat him up until he was too tired to continue. It would've been a waste of time to resist any longer. After all, no matter how hard he was hit, no serious damage could be done with Gavin's bare hands. So, he let him go and took many hits to the face and chest, again and again, yet he felt no physical pain. Emotional, on the other hand, was a different story. Deep inside of his core, Connor felt something beginning to stir. A feeling. A feeling that had begun to eat away at him. A feeling that only humans have; sympathy.

By the time Gavin had had enough, it was well into the night. Dark rings circled his eyes, and he was clearly exhausted. Meanwhile, Connor's lips were split, his nose was crooked, and every wound was still leaking inhumanly cold blood.
"Detective.. Gavin.. it doesn't have to be like this.." He placed a perfectly pale hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. Gavin looked up at him with tears eyes, being held together by a thread. The entire time, he had been sobbing with hatred, but now he was crying with shame. Unable to look him in the eyes much longer, his gaze shifted to the floor as he chewed on his quivering lip, preparing to say something that he hadn't said in a long time.
"I'm sorry.." It came out quieter than a whisper. His words came as a shook to Connor, and he responded the only way he saw fitting. Wrapping both of his arms around him, he pulled Gavin into his bruised chest and let him damp his stained shirt with his tears.
"I think you should rest now. Sleep deprivation isn't good for your health." He spoke with his silky, pretty-boy voice. Gavin has never really taken enough notice of how much work his brother put into his creations. Making them just like humans, but better. More attractive, stronger, faster.
"Okay..." He sighed, breaking away from the embrace and leading Connor over to the break room's old couch with him.
"I thought you didn't want me to watch you while you sleep?"
"Well, uh.." He twiddled his thumbs together. "Just this once..." Giving a small grin, Connor sat down on the somewhat comfort seat, inviting Gavin to sit down with him. The brunette did so, leaning his tired head on his shoulder. It didn't take long for him to slowly drift off to sleep, snoring lightly as the hours passed by. Throughout the night, he fell further and further down, eventually laying in Connor's lap. He carefully moved Gavin off and laid down beside him, holding him close to his bloodstained chest. As he dreamt, Gavin could feel the soft pulsing of Connor's artificial heart against his cheek, and his cold yet comforting embrace around his entire body. At last, he was at peace.

Once he awoke, he immediately felt the absence of Connor's presence. The only part of him that remained was his grey jacket draped around his shoulders, slightly too big for Gavin. As he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his ears picked up the sounds of footsteps and light banter from the room down the hall. A pang of fear struck him as he realised; he was late for work, and he looked like a complete mess. Uncombed hair, blue blood on his clothes, slightly puffy eyes. Though the main thing on his mind at that moment was Connor's whereabouts, and if facing his coworkers was part of finding him, then so be it.
"Jesus, the hell happened to you?" His only friend in the precinct, Officer Tina Chen, looked him up and down as he came down the hall, still wearing the android's coat. Her facial expression was both confused and worried.
"I.. had to sleep here.." He groggily replied, yawning. "And I beat up that stupid tin can."
"In your sleep..?"
"Totally." Even the most gullible of people could tell that he was lying, although, since she knew it made him happy, Tina pretended to believe him.
"Epic." She grinned, taking a sip of her coffee. From across the room, she and Connor nodded to each other, both knowing that Gavin's story was far from the truth.
"What?" Confused, he turned around to see Connor, jacketless, smiling back at them. "What are you two smiling about?"
"Oh, nothing." Her remark made his cheeks turn red.
"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you're thinking wrong!"
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." She chuckled. Just as his blush began to fade, Hank walked past the two with a sly look on his face.
"Morning, Reed. Have a good sleep?"
"Yes, yes I did." Refusing to let the gruff officer ruin his day so early, Gavin stood up to Hank.
"How lovely." He retaliated, his sarcasm obvious. "Oh, by the way, nice jacket you've got there. Where'd you get it?" Gavin froze, stuttering. The entire time, Connor had been watching from afar, and now was his time to swoop in.
"I lent Detective Reed my jacket last night because..." He struggled to think of a reason that wouldn't make Gavin seem weak.
"Because I made him. Androids'll do anything you tell 'em." Butting in to save his reputation, he gave Connor an 'I'm sorry' kind of smile. During that night, the detective had caught slight feelings for the android, but he wasn't going to let anyone know. Not even the android himself, although it was clear that he already knew.
"Yes, that is correct. I was ordered to hand over my jacket, and I did as I was told." Connor agreed, giving a nod. Hank narrowed his eyes in suspicion, putting Gavin on edge, but he soon left without saying anything more. He didn't have time for the inferior detective's idiocy. As soon as he left, Gavin threw Connor's jacket back to him to avoid more awkward encounters with co-workers.   
"Nice save."
"Thank you, detective."
"You.. you can just call me Gavin.. if you want to.. it's not like you have to or anything.." His sheepishness brought a smile to Connor's lips. 
"Okay, Gavin."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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