Part 23

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After two weeks of being in the hospital and finding out I was pregnant, surprisingly life has been more easier for me. They found my rapist dead . He shot 6 times due to something drug related . Detective's took a long time to find comparisons but they did .

Im happy that I'm leaving tomorrow . My mom and dad visited me and told me the news about finding my rapist. They wanted me to come home to them but I kindly denied their offer and told them I going to be living with Torian , my new girlfriend. Torian made me her girlfriend a week ago . I was extremely excited.

Christmas was in two days & I had nothing to give Torian but I knew she wouldnt mind because of my condition.

Torian bought me a new iPhone . And we talked every moment she wasn't with me . From the moment I entered Torian's house , I wondered where she worked at & she said she'll show me the day I came home .

She talked to me & explained how work is going to be more slower and she'll be with me more. I was happy about that too .

My next appointment to the doctor was at the end of January. Thats where I was gonna find out what I was having .

When Torian found out I was pregnant , she was happier than me . She said she'll be there for me and the baby forever. It was a hard decision on keepin the baby that my rapist gave me . But the baby was still gonna be mine. Torian was okay with it to . She said "No No baby . That baby is mine." I never forgot those words .

Thinking about Torian, I decided to text her .

Me :"hey , where are you ? I can't wait to come home with you tomorrow"

Torian : " wassup ? and I'm out getting groceries so I can feed your pregnant self.. "

I just smiled and laid back thinking about my future.


After the fight with me and Tay, we've been closer than ever . Yeah I got my mouth popped and grew the balls to apologize to her for disrespecting Brittney. Bri is what Tay calls her .

Finding out Khay was pregnant by her rapist hurted my soul , considering I knew exactly who it was . I told myself I was gonna tell her about my work and I'm the one who killed her rapist.

Na believe me, of course I was kinda skeptical but she deserved nothing but the truth. But she still didn't know about me and Brittney . neither did Tay . I guess that was gonna be a secret forever. Me and Bri been playing it cool and I strongly regret what I did .

Tay suggested moving outta town. Not only that but getting a sex change. She want me to experiment it with her . And I said I'll do it .

She wants to keep this from Khay and Bri just to surprise them .

I mean whats wrong with being a boy ?

Khaylan comes home tomorrow and I been practing this talk with her . I hope it goes smoov .

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