Chapter 1

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"Fat piece of shit. Why won't you just die? No one loves your fat ass" once again I immediately got up while sweat coated my forehead. That's all I've been dreaming about are those non sense of excuse people. I slowly got out of bed to stretch. Great! I'm on my fucking period. i groaned walking to my bathroom to take a quick piss and put on a pad. Am I like the only person that gets that feeling when your about to start or is it just me?

I walked downstairs passing my sister Alicia room or Lisha for short. I walked in the kitchen to take me an ibuprofen. After I took it I sat at the table and just thinking of how horrible people treat me. Like I'm not that big or small. Of course I'm not small. Stupid me. I'm called the "hippo" at school. I consider myself thick but with just a little meat in the stomach. To be honest I think my breast makes me look big. But whatever. I walked back upstairs to my room and got back in the sheets but I didnt go back to sleep I just sat and looked around my room until my eyes started to get heavy and soon enough I was knocked out.

My eyes started to open when I heard a deep voice and Mario Kart playing. I sat up rubbing my eyes to see the back of males head. I know that head from anywhere. I smiled at how he was always in 8th place in that game but still eager to play it. I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom to freshen up. I felt his eyes on me when I walked passed him.

Chresanto POV

Im not gonna lie Aubrey was looking right in them booty shorts. Big booty, big boobs, big everything. Not in a mean way but in a sexy way. Oh my I didn't introduce myself. Well my name is Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August. Yes that is my name. I'm 16 and I'm sexy what else you wanna know. My bestie and only bestie is in the bathroom right now and she just gone walk pass me and not say hey. Bitch she thought.

I paused the game and tip toed in my Jordan's. I'm sorry that song been in my head all day. I cracked the door and seen Bre bend down rubbing lotion on her legs and MANE WAS THAT ASS ON FLEEK. Okay Chresanto stop thinking about ass and scare the living shit out of Bre.

"okay" I said to myself. I closed the door back shut and went in her closet to pull out a scary clown mask from last Halloween. I ran downstairs and grabbed a butcher's life and walked up stairs to her and closed and locked the door. I tip toed to the bathroom and cracked it to see what she was doing. She was about to come out so I took a step back and waited for her to come out.

Aubrey POV

As I got finish lotioning up, I open the door and I jumped and screamed and started punching the shit out of the clown. I hate clowns for a passion. I don't fuck with them like that. I ran to the door only for it to be locked so I started banging and kicking on it. The clown took the mask off and I seen Chres laughing historically on the floor. I pouted and walked to him and kicked him and walked downstairs. I was furious that he did that to me. He knew I didn't like clowns and he decides to scare me like that. I plopped down on the stool in the kitchen and put my face in my hands and started crying. Call me sensitive but I didnt like that.

Chresanto POV

After seeing Bre scream and kick her face was priceless when she finally realized that it was me. I guess she got mad and walked to me and kicked me in the stomach and unlocked the door and walked downstairs. I instantly felt bad so I went down and seen her in the kitchen stool I guess crying. I felt really bad for scaring her but I didn't mean for her to cry. Now I feel like a jerk which I'm probably am to her.

I walked slowly towards her and I know for sure that she was crying. I slowly wrapped my arms around her while she continues to cry in my chest. I shushed her while rubbing her back calming her down a little. I lifted her chin and her eyes were blood shot red and running nose.

"im sorry Bre I didnt mean to make you cry" i said combing my hands thru her jet black hair. I kissed her forehead while she started hipcupping trying to calm down. I smiled at an idea I had.

"I know what will make you forgive me" I said grabbing her shoulders making her look at me. I smiled a devilish smile to make her laugh which I succeded in.

"what Mr.August?" she said getting out my arms. I yanked her arm and pulled back and hugged her for dear life. I kinda liked this that she was in my arms and safe. Wait! im her best friend I cant be thinking like this. But her hair smells like strawberries and melons. Stop! Chresanto. Ugh.

Aubrey POV

I continued to stare at Chres as if he was debating against himself. He really looked good today. Gray tshirt with basketball shorts and Nike socks. Big muscles and toned bod- wait what the fuck am I saying. Lemme stop.

"Chres!" i said snapping my fingers in his face. He looked at me and gave a devilish smirk and i laughed at his silliness. I can never stay mad at him.

"What wrong with you?" i asked

"Oh....nothing. I got an idea"he said rubbing his hands in a creepy way. I already know what he was gonna do.

"No! Roc stay away..." i said running half way up the stairs only to be dragged down the stairs by the Cheerio. Thats my nickname for him, well his second. Roc is his first because he's as hard as a rock. Cheerio is his second because his head look like a bowl of Cheerios, but he dont like it when I call him that. Oh well I still do it anyways.

"Oww! That hurt you faggot!" I yelled at him cause he was pinching me everywhere.

"You better take these pinching Bre" he said piching my cheeks. I squirmed everywhere to get out his hold. I finally got out his hold and ran in the kitchen. He ran after me around the whole house. I started to get tired so I timed out but he kept running after me. I have asthma and I started to weeze and he immediately ran to my side. I tried to tell him to get my inhaler. He hurried and gave it to me as I inhaled substances. I regained myself while he tried to pick me up. I hate it when does that because im too heavy.

"its okay Chres you dont have to pick me up. Im fine okay" I said looking down. Im insecure about my weight and low self esteem and he knows this. He let go of my hand and sat by me and hugged me. I smiled thru the hug because im happy he's here with me and accepts me as me.

"its okay Bre" he reassured me. I just nodded. I got up by myself and walked to the couch and turned to Neflix to watch this brand new series called Orange is the new black". Chres walked to where I was and sat on my lap. I tried to push him off but dude stronger than me. I put my hands on his waist and started to hump him like he was riding me. He instantly got off me and looked down at me crazy like I had two heads. I started to laugh while he just laughs with me. He sat back down and I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddled up on him. I started to doze off and I feel asleep on him while he combed his fingers thru my hair watching tv. What would it feel like if Chres was fucking me senseless. I instantly got wet from thinking of it.

While he thrust in and out of me pounding my insides. Calling me his slut and slapping my ass and cumming inside my walls taking my innonece away. I started moaning his name. Was I really having a wet dream about Chresanto?

Chresanto POV

Aubrey feel asleep in my arms while I was watching tv. To be honest I like it when she was close or by me. Over a sudden she started to moan in here sleep and me being me I started to record her on my phone. About 5 minutes passed and I froze. S-she's having a wet dream about me. I smirked and just listened to her scream in her sleep about me. Just imagining it I got hard thinking about it. Me pounding inside of her while she screams my name for me to stop. Her scracthing my back moaning while I ate her out. I wanted to do something so bad but it would mess up our friendship. She finally stops and I started to doze off myself and feel asleep while Aubrey still in my arms.

How you like the story so far? This is just how Aubrey and Chresanto acts together.

The Fat Girl (Roc Royal Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora