Chapter 5

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Aubrey's Pov

Well yesterday was so embarrassing for me. I just couldn't help it, he's so good looking, who wouldn't masturbate to him. Well anyway, I'm getting ready to make me some breakfast. I walked downstairs to see the kitchen looking a mess. Ugh, why do I have to clean it. I opened up the dishwasher and started unpacking the dishes and loading it again. As I got finish I wasn't even in the mood to eat, I guess I'll just miss breakfast today. I walked back upstairs to my room and got on Instagram. There wasn't anything interesting to see so I got off and turned on the TV. I kept switching channels finding nothing to watch. I turn to look at the clock it read 8:02 am. This is too early for me to be up. I was so into my thought I got a text from Chres. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach and began to blush.

"What you doing up little girl?" he texted. I scrunched up my nose wondering, how does he know that I'm up?

"How do you know that I'm up, mister" I text back. He texted back fast saying.

"You must forgot I spent a night, I'm in the guest room" he send.

"Oh yea, I forgot" I sent him that and walked to the guest room. I opened up the door to only see him doing push ups on the floor with his shirt off. Ugh, show off. I went and sat on the bed and just watch him do his push ups.

"Why in the hell are you doing push ups in the morning?" I asked laying down getting comfortable. He got up and my eyes roamed his chest.

"Like some you see?" He asked smirking putting his shirt back on.

"No boy, I was just looking at your tattoo. Can I look?" I asked with a slick of attitude. He kept that same smirk and walked slowly towards me. My breathing slows down as he got close to my face. We could kiss right now, which I don't mind.

"Who you getting a attitude with Aubrey?" He asked. I didn't say anything because of the fact that 1 he smells like must from those push ups and 2 he's sexy as hell.

"So, I see that we playing the quiet game"

"No, you just stink" I said scrunching up my nose and laughed. He lift his shirt up a little to smell himself. He chuckles and just lays his whole sweaty and funky body on me. I started laughing and screaming trying to get him off of me but he's so heavy.

"Move please get off of me" I laughed scrumming under him. He just laughs and starts to tickle me. I kicked, screamed, you name it.

"You gonna talk to me like that again" he asked still tickling me. I couldn't even talk from all the laughing I was doing.

"You ain't nobody daddy boy" I said getting out his hold and running to my room. I tried to hurry and lock it but it was too late he pushed the door open and tackled me on the bed. Not hard but in a playful way.

"Ahhh I caught you. You really thought you could get away from me Bre"

"Yea I really did but could you get off and go take a shower you stink" I scrunched up my nose once again.

"You better stop scrunching up your nose before it gets stuck like that" he said getting off. I just flicked him off and turned on the TV. He smirks walking out the door facing me and whispered "When". I got up to close my door in his face.

"RUDE" he yelled. I just laughed and continued to watch Gumball. Few minutes passed and I started to get bored. I got up and walked back to where Chres was. I saw his phone lit up meaning he has a message. I reached for it only for him to walk out the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I instantly got wet by the look of his caramel toned body, his big muscles and man oh man I see the print in the towel. I started biting my lip not knowing that he was in front of me.

The Fat Girl (Roc Royal Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin