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"You said that?" Steve gasped over the phone.

"I did... I'm so getting blacklisted now...." I groaned. Scarlett was passed out for the night in the little bed with me, her little snores signalling that she was in a deep slumber.

"You're not getting blacklisted. And besides, we have great lawyers." He chuckled. "I hate to share Scarlett though." He sighed.

"Yeah... He's going to get some holidays too. And probably every other weekend..." I sighed. I had gone four years with her here everyday, but now I was going to have to share her. This was dumb. I wished I hadn't even let him know that she was his kid.

As the days turned into weeks, Scarlett's birthday becoming a normal day for her. I ended up taking her for ice cream and letting her have more junk than normal. My child of course didn't care for the presents, only for the junk food. She lived for it.

"Mommy, when I see daddy?" She sighed while we ate our ice cream.

"In a few months." I answered her. I did miss Steven. I really did need him right now.

The rest of our day went casually, Scarlett passing out from having too much fun and not having a nap. I smiled as I watched her sleep. My life had changed so much when she came along, but I loved her so much. She made my life so much better.

As our little summer went along, Scarlett and I eventually went to the beach, but not playing in the water. She was way too afraid for that. I smiled watching her play in the sand. My phone started ringing and I quickly grabbed it to answer it.

"Hey Steve." I smiled.

"Problem. Lin decided to sue us for custody." He groaned. "I just got the papers in the mail. How fucked up is that?" He complained.

"I'm sorry he what?!" I gawked. How dare he. How fucking dare he.

"Yup. Suing for custody. And here I thought he was our friend!" He continued to rant. I let out a groan, getting a reaction from Scarlett. She came running towards me with her little bucket and shovel.

"Idea." I smiled.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Wanna speak to Scarlett? She has so much to tell you." I smiled at her. I heard him chuckle, he knew I was trying to calm him down.

"Yes, I would love to talk to her." He chuckled.

"It's daddy." I said while handing her the phone. She let out a little squeal and took the phone from my hands.

"Hi daddy!" She giggled. She plopped down right in front of me, talking to Steve on the phone. I didn't really listen to their conversation, I knew it wasn't going to be anything that I hadn't heard before. I started to play with her hair as she talked. It was cute. I loved every minute of being with her. I really didn't want to share her at all.

As the months went on, Scarlett was learning so much from being at the theatre. Our first shows here were going great as well. Steve had flown down to help us pack and help me with the flight. I was incredibly exhausted, but I managed.

"I missed you daddy!" Scarlett giggled while shoving her animals in his face.

"I miss you too little pumpkin!" He smiled while holding her.

"Are we almost ready?" I asked while lugging our suitcases out of the bedroom.

"Yes!" Scarlett giggled. I smiled, seeing her so happy made me happy.

"Are you ready to go home and see everyone?" Steve asked her.

"Yup!" She smiled. "Can we have pizza?" She gasped.

"We don't have time to eat pizza." I frowned.

"At home pizza! Pizza here gross." She scrunched up her nose and both of us let out a laugh. Our child was already used to New York pizza.

When we got to the airport, everything was smooth sailing. Scarlett was set up with her snacks and I didn't have to be alone for the entire trip. I wasn't alone the first time, but I just wished Steve was there.

"So, is she good on planes?" Steve whispered to me.

"She slept through it last time... This one is during the day so I'm not sure." I frowned. I hoped she would be good.

About an hour into the plane ride, Scarlett was an angel. She was coloring in her book and munching on her snacks. Steve was busy reading a book on his tablet while I was helping Scarlett not lose her crayons.

"Mommy, I'm bored." She sighed after an hour of coloring.

"How about a movie?" Steve suggested. I looked at him and had no idea what he was talking about. But he pulled out her little kid tablet and set her up quickly.

"What is it?" She whispered to him.

"Just watch and see." He smiled while putting her headphones on her head. He winked at me and I was a little confused. After about twenty minutes I glanced down at her and saw the movie she was watching. Happy Feet. She was completely mesmerized by the dancing and singing penguins.

"Really?" I asked him.

"It's keeping her quiet and I remember you saying she was obsessed with penguins lately." He shrugged. I was so happy that he understood everything.

Six hours later, and a few moments of teary eyes, we were back on home turf. I was happy to be back in my state. Scarlett squealed when she saw a few things that were familiar to her too.

"How about we go home and eat?" Steve suggested. "I'm sure everything is a little much for her right now." He continued while picking her up.

"Yes please." I mumbled. I had the biggest headache from the decent. I didn't get it last time which was weird, but still.

When we got home, everything was fine. Scarlett ate her dinner with no problems and even went to bed early. I smiled watching her sleep. She was my little angel. I walked out to see Steven looking over papers and typing on his laptop. I sat next to him and caught a glimpse of his papers. The only reality neither of us wanted to face.

Family court....

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