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Steven's POV

I hated going every other weekend to where Lin lived. Since Pip and I only used the car unless we really needed to, we usually took the subway to his house to drop Scarlett off. Of course he would drive her back.

"Why don't we take the car this time?" I asked her.

"Because we don't have a car seat. And you hate the traffic. Every time we use the car you swear to never do it again." Pippa chuckled. "Besides. It's a twenty minute ride. Twenty minute ride or an hour drive?" She asked.

"You're right." I sighed. Scarlett didn't look enthused about seeing her real dad this weekend either.

"But he won't take me to dance!" She complained.

"You have dance Monday through Friday Scarlett. You don't have it on the weekend." I reminded.

"Poop." She mumbled. I smiled, knowing how much she loved it already. She had even been transferred to the group and has made loads of friends already.

The train ride was short, and the taxi ride even shorter. We never really walked around with Scarlett. We didn't want her to be terrified just yet.

When we got to the building where Lin was, I could feel a pain in my stomach. I hated dropping her off. But legally we had to.

"Scarlett!" Lin smiled when he answered the door.

"Hello." Scarlett sighed.

"What's got her down?" Lin frowned at Pippa.

"She wants to go to dance class but it's not on during the weekend. Only through the week." Pippa explained to him. Lin understood, and watched as Scarlett walked passed him. I watched as she set her things down and walked back to us.

"You be good okay?" I told her.

"Yes Daddy." She giggled while giving me a hug. I wasn't trying to be spiteful, but I knew it killed Lin that she called me that instead of him. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll see you Monday morning little bug." Pippa smiled while hugging her.

"Okay mommy." Scarlett whispered.

We said our short I love yous and left.

"You do that every time. Is it on purpose?" Pippa asked when we got to the subway station.

"Oh yes." I admitted.

"You know he hates that." She smirked.

"I know. I would too if the tables were turned. But what he did was completely off limits and I want him to know that I'm her father. Not him." I got a little defensive there. I'll admit that. But I still never forgave Lin for taking our kid from us like that.

Lin's POV

Scarlett was still iffy about V and I. She was weary to talk to us but was always around Seb. I watched as she talked to him quietly, gave him things when he threw them. It was cute really.

"You like him a lot?" Vanessa asked him. She nodded her head quickly while watching the little tot. "Do you wish you had a little brother or sister?" She asked.

"Yeah. But mommy and daddy are busy a lot. They say I'm enough for them." She shrugged. I gave a little frown, she didn't even know Seb was her brother.

"You know, Sebastian is your brother." I chimed in.

"What?" Scarlett asked.

"Lin." Vanessa spoke sternly. "She's too young to even process that." She warned. I let out a sigh of defeat. We had been fighting a lot lately. It killed me to even feel like that.

It wasn't fair that she hated me for all of this. We tried to keep it all hushed, but somehow it leaked to the paparazzi and it was everywhere. Since then, things had been a little hectic.

I sat in my office at my piano, just playing nonsense when I saw Scarlett peek in.

"I can see you little girl." I chuckled.

"My mommy plays the piano sometimes." She whispered.

"Really?" Pippa played piano? That was something I didn't know.

"Yup. Her and daddy play together. Daddy's not very good at it though." She giggled. "Then they sing sometimes." She continued.

"I bet. Do you like singing?" I asked her. She nodded quickly and let out a laugh.

"Mommy teaches me!" She continued to laugh. "She taught me the cat song!" She looked excited now.

"What's the cat song?" I asked her, clearly confused. It was probably something Pippa made up no doubt. Scarlett looked at the piano then back at me.

"I play it?" She asked. I nodded and sat her next to me. Her little fingers reached the keys and she began to play the song from The Aristocats. As she played, she sang the little tune too.

"That was really good!" I smiled when she finished. "Your mom has a beautiful voice. It looks like you got that too." I winked.

"That's what daddy says too!" She beamed. It hurt when she said that. But I knew I shouldn't push it. She would warm up to me eventually.

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