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Pippa's POV

Weeks had gone by, Scarlett still adjusting to school and dance lessons after. It made me a little happy to know that she was having the time of her life making friends at both preschool and dance. What was even better was she was out of the house for at least four hours every morning and an hour in the afternoon. Burning all of her energy somewhere else. 

"Mommy! I want a snack!" She frowned when we walked into the apartment. 

"I have carrot sticks and some crackers on the table for you." I smiled at her. Her entire face lit up as she ran to the kitchen. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she climbed up the chair. 

"I love you mommy!" She giggled while picking up her carrot stick. 

"I love you too sweetheart." I smiled while picking up her little backpack. 

They say time flies when you're having fun as a kid. Now, I felt like time was flying by with her. She was already four.. Almost five. It felt like just yesterday that she was this little infant... The little baby that didn't know anything... Now she was doing almost everything for herself... 

I sat in bed, reading a new book that a friend had suggested. Steve had walked in, smiling when he saw me. 

"Scar asleep?" He asked me. 

"Yeah. She came home from dance exhausted. We have to get her tap shoes." I sighed while setting my bookmark in the book. 

"Already?" He asked. 

"Yup. The teacher wants them to know a little bit of everything before they branch out into what they really want to do... We're going to have to sit her down and show her what the differences are.." I groaned at the thought. I didn't even know how to teach her the differences in the long run. 

"So... Take her to see Wicked, then Anastasia, then... Chicago, and let her watch Newsies." He shrugged while walking towards the bathroom. 

"I can't let her see Chicago at her age!" I gasped. 

"Kids go see that show! It's fine!" Steve laughed. 

"Steve... I would let her watch Les Mis before Chicago." I pointed. 

"Ouch. Way to punish her for nothing." He chuckled. I let out another fake gasp, knowing that he did like the musical, he was just being mean. 

"Where are we going?!" Scarlett gasped while putting her shoes on. 

"Daddy and I are going to take you in the city." I tried to be happy, but on the inside I was completely terrified. We had to take the train into the city, and then somehow manage the walk to the theatre. 

"We're going to see Wicked!" Steve announced. 

"What's that?" Scarlett raised her little eyebrow at him. 

"Wow we are terrible parents." Steve laughed. 

"You'll like it." I reassured her. 

The train ride was short, thankfully. Now the hardest part was walking through the crowd. I usually held Steve's hand when we did our trips in the city... But this time was different... 

"I'll carry her..." Steve quickly said while lifting Scarlett up. "Head down and hold tightly." He whispered to her. She nodded quickly and gripped his coat. "There, she's settled." He laughed. 

"I'm so glad you're here. I don't think I would've been able to do this alone." I sighed. 

"No problem love." He smiled. 

When we got to the theatre, people were already recognizing us. I was grateful that they didn't approach us. That would've made things a whole lot worse. 

"We should get her a shirt." Steve smiled while looking at the stands. 

"For her to just outgrow it?" I frowned. She was growing quickly, and she had already outgrown the Hamilton shirts. 

"Fine." He laughed. "But something." He shrugged. We stood in line, letting Scarlett choose a little doll of Elphaba. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Why is she green?" Scarlett asked while holding her doll. 

"Because she's a witch." I answered. 

"Is she a good witch?" She asked. 

"You'll find out." I winked at her. She let out a tiny gasp and hugged my leg. I was excited for her as well. It was her first real show. One that she would actually pay attention to this time. And not just look for me. I took a picture of her smiling with her little doll and with the playbill. 

When it came time to sit and watch the show, she could not help but let out a little squeal of delight. Her doll and playbill were neatly tucked away in my bag while she let out more giggles. I snapped a quick picture of her sitting in the seat with Steve next to her. Of course Steve had to take one of us. 

When the music started, Scarlett jumped and grabbed my arm tightly. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh as I watched her. Her little eyes glued to the stage. Watching the flying monkeys on the stage. 

"Loathing!" Scarlett sang. "I loathe it all!" She giggled, obviously missing a lot of words. But it was the one song that stuck with her. "Mommy what does loathing mean?" She asked while we sat on the train. 

"It means to really dislike someone or something." I answered. 

"Oh. That's not good. But they liked each other in the end." She frowned. 

"Exactly. That's why you don't judge someone based on looks." Steve pointed out. 

"Look at you. Being super dad over there." I smirked at him.

"I try." He shrugged. 

"I promise I won't judge anyone because they're green." Scarlett said quietly. 

"Not just green honey. But it's a start." I laughed while hugging her. 

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