melodies&memories chapter 7

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Kendall's POV

memories suck sometimes because you think of things and people who no longer exist and you sit there and wonder what happened to them and what went wrong with them well they say things happen for a reason but i've been trying to fill the hole she made when she left 


"this opportunity comes once in a life time baby" i say 

"what if you only come once in a life time?" she asks crying 

i grab her phone and as much as it kills me i call her manager "you are gonna be amazing" i say handing it to her 

"hi i'm gonna do the movie" she says with tears in her eyes 

~day she left~

we all went with her to the airport we kissed goodbye and it's like we didn't wanna let go but i knew i had to i couldn't hold her back she needed follow her dreams and i know she is amazing because she is an amazing person her name was jo taylor

~end of flashback~

not a day goes by that i don't think of her i just wonder if she thinks of me as much as i think of her i sigh and get ready for my date with jessica 

Ariana's POV

everyone has pasts some better than others some worse mine? in between it was great but it wasn't horrible it was bad though 


"omg, Kyle you're hilarious" i say smiling 

he laughs "did you see that video about terrible tommy with the nerf guns?" he asks 

"yes that was hilarious" i say laughing {we were so close people would often ask us if we were dating we'd always say no we are just friends which we were nothing could seperate us we worked together in every class we had together, we walked home from school together, we would hang at each others house's it was amazing until one day i moved we swore we'd stay in touch but after a year we lost touch 

~end of flashback~

{we havn't spoken since that day i had a crush on him but was too shy to say anything and i didn't wanna mess up our friendship so i put my feelings to the side he was so upset when i left but i couldn't do it anymore i need a change of scenery and my dad thought L.A was perfect so here we are i'm happy to finally give blake a chance with his record deal we will be able to work together more often and see each other a lot which means we get closer and closer i just like how he cares so much how he does this werid things that he does that are cute i don't know it's just something about him} 

"hey ari" he says sitting next to me 

"hey blake what's up?" i ask

"nothing much same old" he says 

"how does it feel being off for a little bit while my dad is visiting my mother?" i ask

"amazing because we can finally spend sometime together" he says hugging me i hug back 

"what do you wanna do?" i ask

"we could watch 13 going on 30?" he asks 

"wait! you like chick flicks?" i ask

"i don't mind them i mean i know i'm straight so why does it matter if my girl watches them she wants me to be with her so obviously i'm gonna be there i hate seeing girls cry it's like my kryptonite" blake says 

i put the movie in and smile "aww that's so sweet blake, not a lot of guys would do that" i say making some popcorn

he shrugs "guys who think they are too manly to watch them but if you ask me tough guys wear pink" he says showing off his pink shirt

i laugh and hand him his back of popcorn" i believed you just for the record" i say laying next to him he hits play and we watch 

~2hours later~

i woke up laying on his chest with the end credits coming up so i turned the tv off and went back to sleep on his chest he kisses my forehead and we stay asleep for the rest of the night 

A/N: so ariana and blake are slowly falling in love isn't that a change from what i've been writing? i know you're all thinking it so don't even say it isn't true i decide this one was gonna be different maybe not better nor worse but different so you guys can have a variety of different things and characters going on in this one have you seen the cast list? it's pretty long for those who pay attention not throwing shade i'm just saying i don't really pay attention either so don't feel bad but as always stay tuned and stay amazing! don't forget to vote and share with friends!

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