perfect harmony chapter 4

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Ariana's POV

i asked my manager drake about the paper and it belongs to blake and turns out he's offering blake a record deal which is cool he's a good guy he deserves it i'm going to return it to him as we speak 

~at blake's house~

"i think you dropped this last night" i say handing it to him 

"ariana thank you so much i've been looking every where for it" he says hugging me i hug back "it was no problem i found out from drake you are gonna be signed a record deal congrats" i say smiling 

he smiles back "thanks ariana wanna hangout for a bit? we can play cod 3" he says 

"yes let's do it" i say 

as we are playing blake starts to sing "when i first saw you didn't know what to think something about you was so interesting  i can see me and you being best friends"  he sings 

i smile cause this song is from our favorite movie rags "the kind that finish each other's sentences" i sing 

"when i can't think of the right words to say, i just sing"  he sings 

"oh oh oh, oh oh oh" i sing

"come on and harmonize with my melody and we'll sing"  he sings 

"ain't it a perfect harmony" i sing 

"i would of never thought i'd be here with you, to start a friendship that is so brand new, it's so amazing i have to say" he sings 

"never met someone who had so much in common with me now i can look in your eyes all day and just say oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh" i sing 

"i wanna harmonize with your melody and we'll sing oh,oh oh,oh ain't it a perfect harmony" he sings 

"sometimes in your life, you look and search for someone just to care, look around and it was there and we didn't need to go no where when i can't think of the right words to say i just sing oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh" i sing

"our favorite movie" he says 

"yep it is" i say smiling 

"so you and drew huh?" he asks 

i shrug"it's not fun but it's something that i have to do because my dad won't listen to me i wanna do my own songs but he won't let me" i say looking down 

"so you and drew aren't an actual couple?" he asks 

"nope hold on he's calling i'll set the record straight" i say 

"hey love, how are you?" drew asks 

"fine" i say 

"i miss you i miss us you havn't been around much lately and i think we should do an interview with TMZ about us" he says 

"here's you're interview drew we're finished" i say hanging up 

"well, she's moody isn't she?" drew asks my dad 

"just go work on an album or something" my dad says 

"really?" he asks then leaves 

"wow you okay?" he asks 

"yeah, i told you it wasn't real" i say smiling 

"ariana, hey didn't expect to see you" miles says coming in and sitting next to me 

"umm do i know you?" i ask

"no but i know you and i know we could be perfect" he says putting an arm around me 

i fake laugh and move his arm "no thanks besides i don't like you like that" i say 

he laughs "ah you will soon enough" he says smirking then leaving

"going to see maya?" blake asks 

"what do you think?" he asks 

"yes?" blake asks 

"yeah dummy" he says shutting the front door 

Maya's POV

"so maya you and miles huh?" ally asks 

"yeah, but i think he's a player so i'm just seeing where this thing could go" i say 

"ah nothing wrong with taking it slow" she says 

"yeah, aren't you one of ariana's back up dancer's?" i ask

"yep, i'm also you're best friend" ally says smiling 

"hey babe" miles says kissing my hard 

"i'll see you later maya" ally says leaving 

"she okay?" miles asks

"hmm, my boyfriend walks into my house shirtless while  we are talking with his abs out you tell me if she's alright" i say putting air qoutes around "alright" 

he laughs "you're jealousy is cute" he says 

"and you're cockiness isn't so cut back" i say rolling my eyes, faking a smile while crossing my arms 

he laughs "you're hot when you're mad" he says getting closer 

"and you seem like a player all the time no one is a saint" i say sitting down 

he chuckles "so fiesty i love them fiesty" he says kissing my neck 

"miles, stop it" i say annoyed 

"what is you're deal you've been in a shitty mood since i got here" he says 

"like i said you seem like a player and it's hard for me to trust people i already lost someone i truely cared about so it's hard to get close to people" i say looking at the pool water 

A/N: kind of a cliff hanger but i will fill you in the next chapter i really hope you are enjoying this story i try to create new ideas and plots so you guys won't be disappointed have to say it's not as easy as everyone thinks but i'd love to hear from you guys comment down below on what you think of breakthrough so far i won't say it's my best work but i won't say it's my worst it's in the middle but that's my opinion i wanna hear you're opinions so comment down below stay tuned and stay amazing like always! 

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