Chapter One

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Hello! It's me again coming to you with another story. This one popped up in my head about a week or so ago and I couldn't get it out. So I caved and started working on it and well here is the results.

Don't worry, Never Stopped is not forgotten and will be updated soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and have your tissues ready because this chapter made me cry.

Summary: The only Jughead had to his name was the 50 bucks in his pocket, his car, and his son who was currently asleep in the back seat. Being a seventeen-year-old parent was not easy and it was even harder when you have nowhere to live after his own mother kick him and his son out of the house. With nowhere else to turn, he heads to Riverdale to visit his dad, someone he had spoken to in years, hoping he would help him until he could stand on his own two feet. There were only two conditions he had to follow: He had to pick an extracurricular activity and keep his grades up. Jughead finally felt as if he could breathe again well that was until a certain blonde came crashing into his life with those damn green eyes of hers that haunts his dreams at night. But that is impossible right, there was no girl who could ever wreak havoc in his life or his heart again...right?

Chapter One

Jughead sighed dropping down into his seat. He placed the application against the steering wheel. His hands, while he filled out all the necessary information, shaking from the cold and anticipation for a steady job. A job that he desperately needed or he would be broke, but really, who the hell was he kidding? He was already broke. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind to focus on the matter at hand. Once he was finished, he took the application back inside to the person at the counter.

"Alright, thank you," the lady nodded as she looking over the paper. "I will give this to the manager and we will be in touch with you shortly."

"That would a great, thank you. Please let them know that I can start tomorrow," Jughead urged. He hated to sound so weak, but he didn't really have any other option.

"I will pass that along," the elderly lady said, placing the application on the counter. "We will be in touch soon," she repeated.

"I can work for a couple of hours. I will only work for tips," Jughead informed her, his hand clutching the counter. "I won't be any hassle, I promise. I just need something where I can start right away."

"Well, I am sorry, my dear," the lady sighed regretfully placing a cold hand on top of his. "But it will probably sometime next week as tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we will be closed until Monday."

Jughead felt his shoulders sag as he listened to what the lady had to say. "I understand," he said defeatedly as it was the same response that he had received many times through the day. He felt his stomach revolt and he didn't know if he was hungry or on the verge of getting sick.

"Would you like something from the menu?" the lady asked pointing up at it.

Jughead smiled gratefully as his stomach started to jump for joy, but dimmed as he shook his head. "I can't, but thank you for your time." He said beginning to turn around to the door when he heard her speak once more.

"Nonsense," the lady waved her hand at him before walking over to a buffet and began filling a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast before placing it in front of the stool. "Have a seat and warm up a bit. You look like you are about to turn into an icicle."

"It is freezing outside," Jughead looking over his shoulder to see that it had begun snowing once again. "The sky is even shitting ice."

"That is one way of putting it," the elderly lady chuckled at his outright forward response and pointed to the chair. "Now stop stalling and sit."

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