Chapter Three

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Sorry for the long wait between chapters. I am hoping to fix that by giving this story a little bit more attention. Thank you for being patient.

Chapter Three

Jughead let out a long sigh of frustration, walking from the kitchen into the living room looking for an item that he needed for Josh. He turned to look at Josh, who was standing up in the playpen his head barely reaching the top watch his every move with wide eyes and a wet mouth. The item he was looking for the baby wipes. He was a hundred percent positive that he had brought the box of baby wipes with him. But he couldn't find the damn box anywhere in the trailer or his car. And he needed them at the exact moment since there was something foul coming from Josh's diaper. And he could smell it from the other side of the trailer.

He hoped that he had enough for the diaper change and he knew that he would be paying a visit to the store to get some later. But that would have to happen after he had dealt with that diaper because it could no longer wait. Jughead snatched a fresh diaper out of the bag before walking over to the playpen looking down at his son who was grinning at him.

Jughead shook his head at the boy. "You think that is funny, do you?" he asked the baby taking him out of the playpen catching another awful whiff. "Why couldn't you have saved this one for your grandpa?" he asked, cringing at the smell. He moved to the floor laying Josh down in the diaper changing position. "We have been here for two days, and he has yet to change one of your stink bombs. No, don't roll over." And Josh rolled over to his stomach trying to inch away from his father. Josh's eyes lit up at the new toy in front of him. It was the coffee table, and that was his prize. By the time Jughead had everything ready, Josh was pulling himself up. And yes! Jughead had to have everything ready because he never knew if Josh had a surprise whizz waiting for him. Jughead had lost the count of how many times he had been peed on by Josh, but he was willing to bet that the number would be nearing the triple digits by now.

"Get back here," he said wrapping an arm around Josh's little wait pulling him away from the table. Josh let his displeasure known by squealing in protest and kicking his legs hard. "You are okay," he said, placing the kid on his back and handed him his cell phone to keep him distracted long enough for the change. Josh happily took the phone and stuck the rubber corner into his mouth to chew on. Jughead worked quickly at changing the boy which turned into a bigger challenge because Josh got tired of the phone and being on his back. But in the end, Jughead won the war with Josh dressed warmly from head to toe and ready for their journey out of the house.

"We are going to the store," Jughead explained pulling up the zipper on Josh's jacket. "The air in this house is getting a little too stale for my taste and it will nice to get out for a bit. Don't you think?" he asked reaching for his jacket shrugging it on. He scooped up Josh and the diaper back, then grabbed his keys and went out to the car.

After Josh was snug and secured in his seat, Jughead pulled the small wad of cash counting it hoping that it be enough to get him some gas and wipes until he was able to get a paycheck from his new job. He felt the weight on his shoulders lessen thinking about the new job. Jughead was thankful that he was able to land something so quickly. The manager was also completely understanding of his situation and offered him the job after a brief interview. Another great thing about this job was the manager. It turned out that the manager had been a teen father himself and had been very accommodating of his needs. Pulling out of the thoughts in his head, Jughead got into the car and when he started the engine something caught his eye. The gas needle was sitting on full.

He frowned as he remembered that night of his arrival in Riverdale that his gas meter was on empty. The gas light had even been on. And he damn well knew that he hadn't been anywhere to get gas either. Jughead looked to the sky begging to the heavens that there was nothing wrong with his car because he didn't know how the hell he would get it fixed. He would have to take it to an auto place and have it checked out. But that would have to be later as he had another task on his hands to finish. He put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway to find a store somewhere in this town.

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