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Emily's Pov:

I took a seat next to JJ at the table as everyone began to discuss what we found at our locations. She gave me a soft smile and offered a cheeto to me but I declined the offer watching her take a bite happily. Part of me was jealous of how immune she was to everything already. I wondered if I would ever be able to eat while we talked and looked at pictures of everything.

I knew that right now, by looking at these pictures I'd defiantly need to work up to it. As I zoned out of the conversation and stared at the bulletin board with the pinned information, I focused on Henry's murder photo. It caught my eye for some reason, I didn't know why.

It could be because I felt sorry for him, but I think there was some sort of a hidden meaning behind it and I didn't know what that meaning was but I really wanted to.  Maybe I wanted to have what he had. To have someone who cared for you and would do anything to help you.

I don't think I've ever really had someone like that in my life before, and it made me wonder what I was missing out on. Ever since I was little I never had that secure feeling of support. My mom was always gone, and even when she was here she was more involved in her work then in spending time with her daughter.

"Right. Well Garcia can you tell me anything that would maybe show Luke being apart of killing Henry?" Hotch asked as I faded out of my thoughts.

"Absolutely sir, it may take some extra digging apparently other then talking about his boyfriend Henry, Luke doesn't have much of a social life." Garcia's voice said.

"Really?" JJ asked.

"Why is that a surprise?" I asked.

"Well no..just usually you know people in their twenties have a lot to say don't they?" She asked.
"That's all I see on social media."

"I mean she's got a point." Derek said as he took a seat in one of the chairs next to me, drinking from his coffee mug. I nodded in agreement then looked over at Aaron.


"Yeah sir JJ was definitely right. Other then up until Luke met Henry I can't find anything about him. Like seriously nothing. No birth record, no degree, zip."

"Sounds like Luke may not be really Luke." Derek said.

"If he's not who he says he is, then we need to question him again. JJ, Reid was there anything concerning when you interviewed him?" Hotch asked glancing at the two. They shared a look then shook their heads in unison.

"Nothing." Reid said.

"He played the grieving boyfriend part perfectly..I mean believe me if there was something we would've spotted it. This guy must really know how to act or something." JJ stated as she shook her head and put her hand up.

"Alright. Emily and I will go in there next. It's better to have new pair of agents. Plus I think he'll feel more threatened with us compared." Hotch said shooting me a look, like he needed my approval. I gave him a nod and stood up put of the chair.

"Right." I said.

"Okay. While we interview him I need you all to dig information on Henry and Luke's relationship. There's obviously something that we're missing and we need to find out what it is." He said then walked out of the room with me.

I followed him making our way through the police station going to the office where Luke was in. Hotch stopped me outside the door and grabbed my arm gently.

"Before we go in there, he's gonna expect one of us to comfort him and need to be on his side. Since you're a female he's going to assume that it's going to be you but you can't show him that side of you. If he sees any sign of weakness on us he'll get cocky and think he can get away. If he feels threatened he'll spill the truth unintentionally. Understand?" He asked.


"Great." He said opening the door and letting me go first, I walked in and took a seat on the couch across from Luke, having Hotch sit down next to me.

"Who are you?" Luke asked.

"I'm unit chief Aaron Hotchner, this is Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss. We're here to talk to you about Henry."

"Seriously? I just talked with those other agents earlier, what were their names? Reid and Jareau I think? Look I'm tired can I just go home already? I've been here for like hours." 

"Home?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him, he looked at me and had a somewhat angry expression written on his face.

"That's what I said isn't it?"

"You can't go home. It's a crime scene." Hotch stated. Luke nodded and shook his head like he forgot about that part, even though he was the one who found Henry there.

"No-I didn't mean home I meant to my friends house." He said.

"But that's not what you said." I remarked.

"I'm tired so excuse me for messing up a few words. If you were in my shoes you'd be the same way." He said.

"Actually I've seen people in your shoes before..they've been less tense then you. You seem like you're hiding something, they usually are in more grief where they can't even speak." I said.

"And they certainly don't have a fake identity." Hotch said.

"Excuse me?" Luke asked.

"We know Luke isn't your real identity. Just make it easier for all of us and tell us the truth."

"Listen here Misses Prentiss-"

"Agent." I said cutting him off before he could finish. There was no way I was going to let this guy try and make me feel at a lower status then him, I wasn't being interrogated for killing my boyfriend he was.

"Right. Agent. I appreciate everything you're doing to help find who did this to Henry but I guarantee you don't want to go digging around in my past." He said.

"Whys that?" Hotch asked.

"What are you hiding from us Luke?"

"I didn't kill him." He said.
"Look Henry knew Luke wasn't my real name. He knew everything about me. I had to change my name to keep away from this crazy ex boyfriend I had a while back."

"A crazy ex? You didn't think to mention that detail sooner?" I asked.

"I didn't want him to find me."

"Didn't you think maybe he already did find you and that's who killed your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Well I did, but then I knew there were other victims and I didn't think that he would kill all of those people too so I decided against it."

"What's his name?" Hotch asked.

"George Hillside." Luke said.

"And what's your real name?" I asked.

"Paul Dodgerson." He said as he looked down at his hands. I wrote the names down on a piece of paper and then looked back up at the man.

"We found the murder weapon inside your house that doesn't just match Henry's cause of death, but the other victims as well." Hotch stated as he leaned forwards.

"What? It was inside my house?" He asked looking shocked.
"Oh god." He whispered.

"It has your fingerprints on it. Can you explain that?"

"What was it?"

"You tell us." Hotch said.

"I don't know-I really don't. I mean Henry had this small pocket knife he keeps in his pocket but that's the only weapon I know in our house." He said. I looked over at Hotch then back over at Luke.

"That'll be all for now." Hotch said as he stood up off of the white couch, I stood up too following his lead again. I cleared my throat and gave Luke a look not being able to read him clearly. He was disorganized all over, first he was angry then upset then helpful then upset again. He kind of reminded me of how bad Hotch's mood swings were towards me.

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