Here He Comes

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An entry for breezyfoot's new Christmas-related horror writing prompt. The poem is 354 words long. Enjoy!
Warning for mention of blood and questionable hinting at eating people/unwanted touching.


Here comes Santa Claus

Here comes Santa Claus

Sneaking in through your chimney

Through the cracks

And tracking in snow.

Jingle bells,

Jingle bells,

Can you hear him?

Can you hear his beasts

Stamping on the roof?

You heard the warning,

The tune of caution,

Santa Claus -

He's coming to town;

Santa Claus is coming to town.

Be wary when he enters,

When you hear the crunch,

The slurp -

You best hope what you've offered is enough.

Have you been good boys and girls,

Good children for your mothers and fathers?

Mommy is downstairs,

And you will see her when you peek around the corner,

Her hands on him,

His hands on her.

The cookies are untouched,

The milk undrunk.

Go back upstairs,

Didn't you hear the warning,

The stories?

He sees you when you're sleeping,

He knows when you're awake,

And he knows when you're creeping away,

When you've seen his teeth

And shining eyes.

A week ago,

Can you remember the carolers?

Pleading for temperant attitudes;

We know that Santa is coming,

They said, fingers crumpling the pamphlets.

The ones that begged -

Give us some figgy pudding -

Knew what He had for them.

They cannot pout,

They cannot cry,

They cannot beg,

When Santa is coming to town.

All is calm,

All is bright,

Shepherds, are you quaking?

Because no one is immune -

No one is invincible.

Go back to bed,

Back to bed and you might be safe,

Because he knows when you're sleeping,

And he sees you when you're awake,

So crawl under your covers,

And dream.

Dream of a white Christmas,

Just like the ones you used to know,

Where the treetops glisten and the children listen,

Listen to your words and heed your warnings.

Dream of your white Christmas,

The snow untouched,

Just like the ones you used to know,

Instead of these red pocked hills,

Not discarded gifts,

Forgotten and freezing,

But something far worse,

Hot and crimson.

Do you smell that?

You've survived the night.

Santa came to town,

He came to town;

He snuck through your chimney,

Through the cracks,

And tracked in snow.

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