Pt. 8

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So Four began and went around and eventually found a corner store and asked the cashier for a map. He tried to figure out and understand the map that he was given.  So he walked around went to a convenient store and bought an icecream and a sandwich. 

Cashier: *mumble mumble* couldn't you go to the super mart and get things to make your own sandwich...*

Four: well I'm actually pretty lost, I was given a map but I don't know where any of anything is.

Cashier: *Grumble* yea', can tell y'ain't frum he'e eh'?

Four: I swear that ain't english?

Casheier: y'Best hurry it up wit dat sanwhich, 'Else ya next' one'll be one-a Mama'sKnuckesanwhiches--

Four: Uhh.... sure.

He left. 

He went on and on, for miles. ocassianally stopping for a snack, but by the time he looked back at the sky it was already afternoon?

Sweating enough already, eventually a dog crossed his path and began to chase him! Four was already worn out by all the wandering to find his love, but he didn't think he could afford to outrun a dog. So he decided to go semi-last resort, he didn't really want to ask these weird people he barely knew, for a lot, but he felt like he didn't have much of an option, so he ran to the closest neighborhood he could find, and asked an object if he could stay at their house.

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