So Four had decided to stay the night at the house that he was offered to by the Hanger. The house's condition seemed fairly average. Atleast on the first floor they did, there wasn't much of a problem except for there being old, mis-matching furniture, and it was slightly dirty. However once Four got to the second floor.. The Hanger had opened up a door and said "This is where you'll be stayin'the night'." Four gulped. There where cockroaches squirming on the cieling, his bed looked like it hadn't been cleaned in 20 years, it smelled rancid in there. But Four put on his *gentleboi* voice and said "Thank you ma'am!" with a general smile on his face.
That night he. Could. Not. Sleep. There was howling wind out, the rain had suddenly rolled in, there were tree's beating against house, he kept feeling the paranoia of something crawling on him, he could also hear the Hanger yelling at someone downstairs? He hadn't recalled of anyone else being in the house. But "oh well" he thought. He had to use the bathroom, the power had gone out, and well to top it all off, he couldn't stop thinking about X. As sad as he felt, that's what kept him going. That's the reason why he was, where he was. So he could re-unite with x. He decided, that to relieve the stress he would write a letter to X so that he could give it to him when he found him again.
After about 2 hours later, Four grabbed a flashlight so he could go to the restroom. The restroom was across his room upstairs, on the other side of the hallway, as he walked over the floor creaked, and he started feeling a little uneasy. He opened the rusty door. There was blood in the shower. Either way he still went and pretended like he was at a regular house.
He left and went back to his room. He laid back down and started thinking "What am I going to say to X when I meet him again?" "How should I aproach him?" He thought. He eventually fell asleep after so many thoughts.

My Lovely E× (4x)
FanfictionEh some 4x fanfic idk, just testing this out. (Highly doubt anyone'll even read this)