Chapter 5: Morik and Margaret

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      Morik held the knife to Philomena's throat and chuckled as Guy's features became full of fear. Lightning flashed outside and his one blue eye looked even more eerie than normal. A scar stretched over that same eye, a token from a fight with Amadeo many years ago. His chin-length black hair was soaked with rain and so were his completely black clothes. His chuckle was echoed by a young woman who stood behind him.

      Guy tried to compose himself enough to speak but was unsuccessful. Morik saw this and grinned even wider, looking like a fox that has cornered his prey. This caused Guy to fill with anger and find his voice. "Let my sister go," he growled from between his teeth. Everyone stood rigid as Guy glared at Morik.

      "Let her go? Now why would i do that," Morik taunted as he gently pressed the knife against Philomena's skin. She winced and and had to press against Morik's chest in order to keep the knife from biting into her skin. "You are what stands in my way. Why would i give you back your reason to live?"

      Gareth and Sheridan had moved to flank Guy and were glaring at Morik as well. Gareth had his hand resting on a sword Maud hadn't realized he had and Sheridan had drawn his knife.

      This time, the young woman from behind Morik spoke. "Now boys, put down your weapons. You wouldn't want Fräulein Philomena to get hurt because of your stupidity." Her grin was just as mocking as Morik's. Her black clothes and hair were also soaked and the bun she had her hair pulled into was about to fall apart. The scars on the side of her face and on her neck made her quite intimidating even though she was no larger than Maud.

      Gareth shifted so he could look past Morik. "Margaret, would you close your mouth? You're going to get yourself hurt."

      Margaret raised an eyebrow. "It is you who should remain quiet or my brother will end up killing Guy's sister." She looked over at Maud and frowned a bit in confusion. When Maud's face mirrored hers, she grabbed her brother's shoulder. "Let us go, Morik. If they want Philomena back, they will have to come find her."

      Morik glanced back at his sister for a moment before nodding and turning back to Guy. "You heard her. If you want your sister, you will have to come get her." As Guy took a step forward, Morik pressed the dagger against Philomena's neck harder, breaking the skin and causing a few beads of blood to run down her neck and stain the collar of her dress. "Not yet Guy. If you try now, I will kill her. You must be patient. Where is the fun in trying to kill me now? Wait." Morik walked out backwards with Philomena against his chest, using her as a shield. Margaret remained where she was for a moment before following her brother out of the Inn with a frown on her face.

      Guy cursed loudly and slammed the door. Gareth and Sheridan both jumped as he did and quickly moved to stand in opposite corners. Maud remained where she was, however, and appeared confused. Guy saw the confusion on Maud's face and sighed. "I'm sure you want to know what that was about, don't you?"

      Maud nodded. "Sì. That, and why Margaret looked so familiar." She looked at Guy and could see that he was avoiding eye contact. "What is it?"

      Guy sighed again. "Morik and Avery plan on killing the Royals of the world and placing their own people on the thrones." He obviously avoided the last part of her inquisition.

      Maud was confused. "Avery, as in the British Master of Arms?" He was the last person anyone would think of for this blasphemy that Guy spoke of.

    Gareth spoke this time. "Yes. That Avery. I was surprised too when i found out." His voice lowered when Maud looked over at him and he looked down nervously. Maud figured it was because of her father's reputation.

      "Why would they want to kill the Royals?" Maud still couldn't wrap her head around it.

      "If they could place who they wanted on the thrones, they would essentially be able to rule the World," said Guy as he walked to the window. He looked out and his face became sad, obviously thinking of his sister that was now a prisoner of the German knight.

      "We'll get your sister back Guy, i swear," Sheridan said as he walked over to stand beside him at the window. Gareth nodded in agreement and nervously glanced at Maud again.

      Maud thought about what Guy had said for a moment before speaking. "And why does Margaret look so familiar if she's Morik's little sister?" She frowned as Guy tensed and ignored her question. "So you aren't going to answer my question?" She growled in frustration as Guy continued to ignore her. She marched out of the room and through the Inn towards the main door of the building. She didn't notice that Gareth had followed her until he touched her arm as she reached for the door.

      Gareth drew his hand back when she looked at it in shock. He almost shook, whether out of nerves or chill Maud couldn't tell. His brown eyes said that he wanted to say something to her but his voice failed to rise. He opened his mouth and closed it several times before looking down and closing his eyes.

      Maud looked up at him for a moment before gently touching his arm. "What is it Gareth?" She tried to keep her voice calm and trusting, knowing that he probably didn't trust her and that that was what held his tongue.

      He looked back down into her sad, green eyes for a moment before beginning to speak. "Margaret looks so familiar because....." He was cut off by Guy, who was now making his way across the Inn.

      "That is enough out of you Gareth," Guy growled. His hazel eyes gave an unspoken warning that caused Gareth to step back and lower his gaze. He looked at Maud seriously. "You will find out in due time, Mademoiselle Maud. Be patient."

      Maud rolled her eyes irritably and huffed before stomping back into the room. She looked at Sheridan. "Now what do we do? We can't go home. Are we just supposed to stay with Guy?"

      Sheridan sighed and looked at Maud sadly. "Your father said that we were to remain with Guy until our true paths were clear to us."

      Maud huffed. "Our paths shall never be clear. Life is never that simple Sheridan." She stalked to the window and watched the rain continue to fall heavily. "Dannazione all'inferno," she cursed as she thought of the day's events. When she turned away from the window, a confused Gareth was staring at her.

      Sheridan smiled at the confused Gareth. "She said, 'damn it all to hell'." Gareth nodded and sat down looking nervously at Guy who stood in the doorway. Maud and Sheridan also looked at Guy as he entered the room and grabbed his pack.

      "Get your things everyone. We are going to Ireland." Everyone looked at Guy curiously, not knowing why he would want to go to Ireland when Morik and Margaret were bound to be heading to Germany.

      Maud leaned towards Gareth and spoke softly. "What's in Ireland? Surely not Morik or Avery." She glanced at Guy to make sure she hadn't been heard.

      Gareth did the same before speaking. "Not what, but who. I think he wishes to go visit Zulieka."

      Maud shivered at the mention of the purple eyed witch's name. Why would Guy want to go see her instead of pursuing his sister's captor? This woman's reputation wasn't a good one. Sheridan handed her a pack full of her things and looked at her sadly before walking out of the room. Gareth followed him out and Maud walked out, staying close to Gareth. He glanced back at her as they walked out of the Inn and smiled for the first time. She smiled back at him for a moment before looking down the road. She paused in the roadway before taking her first step towards her unknown future.

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