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Ben's POV

My eyes widen as I start thrashing around. My breathing goes quicker. My brothers grin as they shove me under the lake's ice cold water. Water starts to fill my lungs as I try to yell for someone.. Anyone to help me. Black starting to cloud my vision.......

I shoot up. I look around and see Jeff next to me, sleeping soundly. I look at my phone and see its 7 AM (the time I have to get up for the place I hate most! School ;-;). I notice I'm breathing heavily. I force my breathing to calm down. I look at Jeff again. I gently boop his nose. He groans and twitches.

"Liu... Qu...t i...t.." He mumbles. I boop his nose again. This time he swats my hand away. I snicker. I boop his nose one more time and this time he wakes up and looks at me.

"Oh. Mornin Ben..." He yawns. I smile a little.

"Morning." I say.

"Why were you whimpering earlier..?" Jeff asks. I tense up.

"Er... N-No reason... Heheh......" I chuckle nervously. Jeff looks at me.

"Ben. Please?" Jeff says. I sigh.

"It was just a nightmare..." I mumble. Jeff stares at me.

"What..?" I ask.

"Y-You have nightmares too..?" Jeff asks. I only nod in response.

"Yeah.." I mumble. Jeff hesitantly hugs me, as if he was scared. I smile and hug him back.

"Glad I'm not the only one who has nightmares." Jeff mutters.

"What're yours about?" I ask. Jeff lets go of me and sighs.

"Well... My nightmare is that I wake up in my room. My old room before I went insane... And... Liu would come out of the shadows and... Well.. He'd always have a knife... Like the one I nearly killed him with...... And so.. He'd always say something then shove me against the wall while I begged for him to stop.... But he'd never listen and would slowly slit my throat as I gagged and choked on my own blood... Then I'd wake up.." Jeff whimpers as he finishes.

"Jesus..." I mumble. Jeff looks at me.


"Your turn, jackass."

"Oh... Uhh.. Okay..." I mumble.

"Well, I'd wake up in my room before I was drowned... And my oldest brother would come in and tell me to get up, and that we were gonna go to the lake... So I'd always do as he said, and when we got there, I'd always be a foot or so away from the lake... My two older brothers would say they wanna play a game and my father would tell me to hurry the fuck up. So I'd always hurry over to them and ask what the game was called and they always grabbed my arms before saying 'Ben drowned' then shoving amd holding me under the water while I try and call for someone to save me... But everytime, nobody comes... And I start to drown while black clouds my vision.. Then I wake up." I tell him.

"But mine isn't as nearly as bad as yours." I mumble. Jeff says nothing and I look up at him to see he was in shock. I raise an eyebrow.

"What..?" I ask. He suddenly hugs me and I tense. I calm down quickly though. I smile and hug Jeff back.

"You poor child." Jeff says. I giggle quietly.

"I can't believe your own siblings did that to you!" Jeff says. I only shrug in response.

"Well, they both hated me. They never tried to show it but they didn't need to. I already knew it. Nobody liked me, so why would they be any different?" I mutter. Jeff looked at me.

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