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3rd Person POV

Ben raked his fingers gently through Jeff's black hair. His hair was soft. Ben enjoyed playing with the older male's hair. Ben's ears twitched at hearing a thud by the window. Careful not to wake Jeff, the small elf walks over to the window. He peers outside. He saw something lying on the ground. The thing... Twitched?

Ben's POV

I look back at Jeff before quickly exiting my room and going downstairs and outside. It was Toby who had fallen from, where I assume to be, the roof.

"Toby..?" He groans.

"How the hell have you not broken a bone yet?" He lifts his head and looks at me.

"I d-dunno..." He says quietly. His voice almost sounded.... Broken..

"What's wrong?" I ask, my head tilted to one side.

"...." Toby stays silent. He sits up, tics, then stands. He grabs my hand and leads me into the woods, though not far from the mansion.

"Y-You know about Masky a-a-and I, right..?" I nod.

"I.. F-Found him... With... Hoodie.."

"So? Aren't they friends..?"

"... T-They..... Kissed... In f-front of me, too..." My eyes widen. He whimpers. Tears brimmed his chestnut brown eyes.

"I'm gonna kick Timothy's motherfuckin ass.." I mutter. Toby lets out a shaky sigh. He wipes the tears with the back of his sleeve.

"C'mon. Let's head back." He nods a couple of times. I feel pity for the taller boy. We start walking back to the mansion. Once we get back, I quickly go up to my room. Jeff was just fine. I grab my phone and enter it. I look around. I see Masky from.. His TV I think. He was curled up in a corner of his room. I think for a few moments. I decide to spare him.. For now. I go back to my room.

"Mm... Quit.." Jeff mutters softly.

"No.. St...o..p.." I look at Jeff with worry. I sigh softly. This is why I didn't sleep, because I was afraid of getting nightmares. I glance at the time. 11:58 AM.

"Almost time for lunch.." I murmer softly. I look down at Jeff and continue to pet his hair. He purrs and cuddles up against me.

An hour later

I groan as I flop onto my bed. I grab my laptop and open it. I type in the password and looked at all my games. What to play, what to play...

I settle on Cuphead. Why?
Why the fuck not?

I yawn, walking around for a little bit till I find a random soul contract. That flower dude? Eh, why not. I click 'REGULAR'.

"Heheh. Lets do this." I mutter. I start the level.

After a few minutes I hear the door open. I don't look over. I hear Jeff walk to his bed. He flops onto it. He groans. Thats when I glance over. I pause the game (dont remember if you can but oh well).

"You okay?" I ask. He mumbles something in reply.

"I can't hear you."

"No." He mumbles again, though loud enough to where I can hear him.

"What's wrong?" He doesn't reply. Instead, he curls up into a ball. I get up. I hop onto Jeff's bed. He lies his head on my lap. I pet his hair. He cuddles against me.

"Sure you don't wanna talk about it?" I ask.


"Alright." I continue to pet his hair. He purrs quietly. He lies against me, quietly purring as I pet his hair. He never uncurled from his ball, though. I notice his purring stopped and turned into soft whimpers of pain. I look at him curiously.

"Jeff? What's wrong?"

"H-Hurts.." He curls into a tighter ball. His arms were crossed over his stomach tightly.

"Hey, hey. Here, show me. Where does it hurt?" He slowly uncurls from his ball. He points to his stomach.

"Did you eat something bad?"

"No.. I d-don't think so.." I put the back of my hand against his forehead. He was burning up.

"You have a fever.." I mutter. Jeff whimpers and curls into a ball. He whines.

"H-Hurts.. Badly.."

"Here, stay here. I'm gonna go grab something in case you need to puke. Okay?" He nods slowly. I get up and quickly rush out of our shared room.


Jeff lets out a soft whimper. I pet his hair.

"Stomach.. Hurts.."

"I know, I know. It's okay." I continue to pet his raven black hair as his head rested on my lap. Jeff curls into a tighter ball. I sigh. Poor thing. I continue to gently pet his hair, sometimes rubbing his back comfortingly. He didn't seem to mind.

"What did you do before you came in the room?" I question.

"U-Um.. I.. I was.. Ow.. I was in t-the kitchen... And got something to eat.. Mm... And..... I... Saw Clockwork come in.. I had turned away from my food for a second.." He explains.

"... Did she go near you?"

"No. She grabbed a bottle of water then walked back out of the kitchen after saying hi." He says quietly. He sits up, although with slight difficulty.

"Fuck.." He hisses.

"Do you often get sick?"


"Maybe EJ will know whats wrong with you." I say. Jeff nods.

"I'll be back in a minute." And with that, I left the room.

"Hey EJJJJJJ!" I call. He turns and 'looks' at me.

"Oh, hey Ben. What's up?"


"What about him?"

"He said his stomach hurts."


"Its been hurting for a few hours." He hums in thought.

"Bring him here please." I nod and go back.

"Hey.. Jeff.. C'mon." He whines and looks at me. I sigh.

"I know, I know. It'll be okay.." I help him up and take him to EJ.

A bit later EJ walks back out. He sighs.

"Ben, I think I know whats wrong with Jeff.....

And it's no regular sickness."


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